
Spiritual Simplicity

  My word for 2022 is Simplicity. When working through and identifying my Core Values, I was surprised when Simplicity showed up. My life has never been what one would call simple and I hadn't even given this aspect much thought. So, when it made itself known to me, I realised deep within the depths of my being THIS is what I have been longing and craving for my entire life. So now what??? This is the big question that I have been pondering through Meditation & Prayer.  With this energy, I feel a huge shift in all aspects of my life and the life I share with my husband. A couple of months ago, my husband asked me if I felt I needed to cut back a bit on what I do. My answer to him was, "Probably so but I don't even know where to begin on how to do this." This has taken me down a rabbit hole of opportunity and yes! excitement at the thought of making this so. First, I began to look at my business. I have always thought of myself as a Teacher and this is correct. At ...

Divine Brilliance

  A number of years ago I was challenged by a friend of mine. He asked me, “Are you in your Divinity?”   Well… this took me down a ‘rabbit hole’ to say the least … that is on-going.  (Alice in Wonderland???) I was taken inward to ponder this question … which I am still pondering. This has brought me to some amazing places.   I realized I first needed to identify what “divinity” meant to and for me before I could even come close to answer this question. I found that personally, I feel “divinity” is that which my soul is and what my soul does regardless of what kind of incarnation I am in or not in.   I have known for years that I am a Teacher. Whatever I do… Teaching Happens. I am a gleaner of information and this just sort of oozes out in what I project.   So, to me, My Divinity is that of a Teacher.    Ok Answered: … now what? My I AM Statement: I AM a Teacher rings with Truth.  As Yeshua shared with his Disciples in John 8:31 in refere...

Holy Harmony of Elohim

Elohim as a collective of ‘Gods’ (neither masculine or feminine) but, simply Truth. Within Truth, there are breaches or branches that form to attend to the needs of the varying species of sentient forms throughout the Universes.   Elohim stands directly within the vibration of what is humanly perceived as ‘love’ but doesn’t stop there. This ‘love’ is expanded out into a harmonious vibrational expression of miltha (vibrational utterance) that reverberates in the core of all existence.  This does not segregate but is available to all within ‘oneness’.  Though ‘oneness’ is a concept of BEing, it is too a concept of Holy Harmony.   As Tesla stated, “If we understood the power of the 3, the 6 and the 9 we would have the Key to the Universe.” This is through the conception of the Golden Ratio that replicates throughout galaxies, star formations, evolution and almost all natural systems.   It is through these frequencies that Elohim exists and comes forward into t...

Moving into YOUR Super Power

 About 3 years ago, Catherine-Ann Clemett held a workshop in my space where a number of women attended. At the end of the workshop, Catherine-Ann guided us into created a Brilliance Statement. I was definitely challenged in creating mine. Through the help of Catherine-Ann and the other brilliant women in this group - mine emerged! I Empower Divinity was indeed a place of Empowerment to and for me. The next part was embracing this. as I did, I felt myself BEcome this! I now call this my Statement of Divine Empowered Brilliance. And... I guide others into creating theirs! If interested in this, please contact me and we can create yours together! Through this is something else is emerging! I have a private group going on right now involved in a 4-month commitment of Moving Past Limiting Fears - as we all encourage each other in BEcoming our Unique Brilliance or our SUPER POWER!   People ask all the time, "What is my Purpose?"  And... in a nutshell, this is IT! I have created...

Eradicating Fear w/LOVE!

Eradicating Fear w/LOVE!    I was given information years ago regarding frequency vibrations. I was shown and told that the frequency of Love dissipates and eradicates anything that is negative and, more importantly, not in our highest and best as an evolving energy species.   At the time, this was aligning with the misaligned fear of chemtrails. I was shown that if we individually and collectively join that we have the power & the authority to dissipate anything that is outside of harmony. Interesting.   I have stood by this thought process regarding chemtrails  as well as anything else that enters out world that is out of harmonic presence.   Recently, I have realized I am outside of harmonic presence and this has occurred with the entry of COVID-19 (and its varying forms) into our world as a misaligned frequency. I haven’t necessarily been in ‘fear’ of the virus but, I have been wary and yes, even fearful, of the vaccine. This has taken on a life of ...

Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021!!!   I feel like anytime we begin something new that we must 1 st  review and offer gratitude for what has been. At this time, I would like for you to take a moment to find something you are grateful for that 2020 offered to you and yours as we move to close this vibration as we  OPEN to 2021!     Personally, I am grateful for the time to really come to an understanding through wisdom of what is truly important for me personally and for what I offer others. I am grateful for what seems to be healing occurring in my family, particularly with my daughter and our previous estranged relationship! Hallejuah!!!   2020 was indeed a challenge on a myriad of levels. But… as most of the challenge was about change …  this offers the opportunity to be better. Challenges also make our ‘true colors’ show through. As we are in a time of full disclosure … when this happens it isn’t always pretty. But… it is necessary. It allows the ‘not so pretty ...

What Distracts you from your Divinity?

What Distracts You?   We have been discussing this in the current Healing Path of The Rose class and it has really made me think this week.   I saw a quote from Dolores Cannon that made me stop: What if the Universe isn’t really testing you? Maybe it’s giving you an opportunity to practice who you say you are.   I’ve been feeling, thinking and saying that from the beginning of the COVID situation and everything else following – this is exactly what I’ve been given – an opportunity. In Kabbalah, there are 2 places on the tree where I feel there is a question being asked of us, “Are you willing to submit your will to the will of the Creator God?” a) The 1 st  time this comes up is a place where we examine the question as to what this even means. It’s not a place to answer the question but… a place to ponder the question. b) The 2 nd  time this comes up is a place that demands an answer: “Yes … No or perhaps, I’m not really sure…” Regardless, there is no right or w...