
Showing posts from May, 2015

May 7, 2015 - "National" Prayer Day

I received an email a few days ago reminding me that today, May 7 th , is National Prayer Day . This made me start thinking. First of all, I asked myself … “Do I pray for the Nation on National Prayer Day?” Or … “Do I pray as a Nation on National Prayer Day?” I realized I needed to understand more about the words “Nation” and “National”. From Merriam Webster: National (adj) so that tells me already that it describes something to be prayed for. ·          of and/or relating to a nation ·          belonging to or maintained by the federal government ·          of, relating to, or being a coalition government formed by most or all major political parties: usually in a crisis Nation (noun) so this is tells me this is what I am considering praying for. ·          a large area of land that is controlled by its government ·          the nation: the people who live in a nation ·          tribe: a group of people joined by history, tradition and language Interes