Holy Harmony of Elohim

Elohim as a collective of ‘Gods’ (neither masculine or feminine) but, simply Truth. Within Truth, there are breaches or branches that form to attend to the needs of the varying species of sentient forms throughout the Universes. Elohim stands directly within the vibration of what is humanly perceived as ‘love’ but doesn’t stop there. This ‘love’ is expanded out into a harmonious vibrational expression of miltha (vibrational utterance) that reverberates in the core of all existence. This does not segregate but is available to all within ‘oneness’. Though ‘oneness’ is a concept of BEing, it is too a concept of Holy Harmony. As Tesla stated, “If we understood the power of the 3, the 6 and the 9 we would have the Key to the Universe.” This is through the conception of the Golden Ratio that replicates throughout galaxies, star formations, evolution and almost all natural systems. It is through these frequencies that Elohim exists and comes forward into t...