The Path of TheWay
If you are interested in enhancing and connecting as fully as possible with the energy of Mary, The Magdalene … this is a great place to begin, stay and continue with. Mary and her Beloved, Jeshua have been in existence for eons of time. They chose to come here in the physical during the times we know as the “Time of Christ” or “The Time of the Anointed One”. They came to bring forth a new way to assimilate knowledge of Mercy and Loving Kindness through the simplicity of Love. The search for and awakening of this type of Love within the human self is a process and the process is the Journey. What is offered here at The Beloved Heart Source, through the Magdalene Mystery School is directly guided by Mary and Jeshua. This is the way to enlightenment along the Path of TheWay back to the Light of the Creator God. I have been asked what Tarot has to do with The Magdalene. Mary’s teachings are based on finding oneself to the core of the soul be...