The Path of TheWay

If you are interested in enhancing and connecting as fully as possible with the energy of Mary, The Magdalene … this is a great place to begin, stay and continue with. 

Mary and her Beloved, Jeshua have been in existence for eons of time.  They chose to come here in the physical during the times we know as the “Time of Christ” or “The Time of the Anointed One”.  They came to bring forth a new way to assimilate knowledge of Mercy and Loving Kindness through the simplicity of Love.

The search for and awakening of this type of Love within the human self is a process and the process is the Journey.  What is offered here at The Beloved Heart Source, through the Magdalene Mystery School is directly guided by Mary and Jeshua.  This is the way to enlightenment along the Path of TheWay back to the Light of the Creator God.

I have been asked what Tarot has to do with The Magdalene.
Mary’s teachings are based on finding oneself to the core of the soul being.  Tarot is a beautifully created intrinsic tool that can assist each of us who choose to delve into the depths for this kind of understanding and connection.  Learning and Understanding Tarot has little to do with divination as this is the “icing on the cake”.  The meat is to find personal answers to the very depth of our being. 

Mary enjoys that I use the Tarot to help others in this way.  She is part of all I teach including Tarot. 

Kabbalah is a path of self-discovery that once begun can and will continue and stay with you throughout the rest of this physical existence and beyond.  It has the potential to take you through the depths of your soul to bring you out the other side re-invented.

Lynn (my husband) and I co-teach a male/female balanced approach to Traditional Usui Ryoho Reiki.  This is a gentle approach to healing that is enhanced by the presence of Jeshua and that of Mary when we teach.

If you are looking to truly delve into the teachings Jeshua and Mary offered when on this planet and have extended past that time frame … you will want to take part in the channeled teachings that are coming forth and being made available for each person who desires this type of connection and transformation.

The Healing Path of The Magdalene “Mysteries” is a weekend workshop.  This is developed to take you deeper into yourself.  This is for the person who has studied Kabbalah as it will enhance that approach.  It is also for those who wish to simply create a closer understand to self through Kabbalistic as well as other approaches.
We will “de-code” knowledge through the XXXII Paths of The Tree of Life, connection with the Tarot and through a meditational process.

The Healing Path of TheWay is a series designed to bring forth self-healing through an in-depth search of self.  There are VII “signs” that are offered within the Gospel of John that give a direct path to this type of personal healing.  I believe these are directed by Mary, The Magdalene.  There is much discussion regarding the Gospel of John and to the authorship.  Many believe (as do I) that these are the words, stories, songs, etc. of Mary.  I take these signs along with her instruction in bringing this to you.

The Healing Path of The Magdalene and The Healing Path of TheWay are 2 distinct offerings that are directly from Mary as my teacher, mentor and friend.  I bring these to you in hopes that you will embrace this in your search for the Divine Feminine within you that brings you to your Divine Purpose in this life and in the lives to come.

Susanah Magdalena


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