Divine Brilliance


A number of years ago I was challenged by a friend of mine.

He asked me, “Are you in your Divinity?”


Well… this took me down a ‘rabbit hole’ to say the least … that is on-going.  (Alice in Wonderland???) I was taken inward to ponder this question … which I am still pondering. This has brought me to some amazing places.


I realized I first needed to identify what “divinity” meant to and for me before I could even come close to answer this question. I found that personally, I feel “divinity” is that which my soul is and what my soul does regardless of what kind of incarnation I am in or not in.


I have known for years that I am a Teacher. Whatever I do… Teaching Happens.
I am a gleaner of information and this just sort of oozes out in what I project.


So, to me, My Divinity is that of a Teacher. 


Ok Answered: … now what?

My I AM Statement: I AM a Teacher rings with Truth. 
As Yeshua shared with his Disciples in John 8:31 in reference to knowing Him by his Words… “and… you will know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.”
Stating this as an I AM Statement is a Truth that does set me into the Freedom of my Divinity.


Ok… Answered: … now what?


I had to look at the word Word(s) and what this meant as to the freeing of his words.

John 1:1 (to me is an announcement) with the Statement of ‘In the beginning…’ Bereshit (בְּרֵאשִׁית‎)

I have found that whether stated in Genesis 1:1 of John 1:1, this is an announcement or a vibrational utterance that comes here.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Miltha      – In the beginning was the vibrational utterance

And that Miltha was with Elohim                   – And that vibrational utterance was with Elohim

And Elohim was that Miltha                           – And Elohim was that vibrational utterance…


So, is Yeshua sharing that the Truth is the vibrational utterance of Elohim?


Taking this further into Elohim… I find that Elohim (a reference to the G-d I AM) within Hebrew is a plural word holding within the one word dualistic components of the masculine AND the feminine!
Hmmmmm… this was interesting…


G-d or Elohim is neither masculine or feminine … it is a whole state of BEing within one word.

I allowed myself time to be with this to gain a deeper clarity of Understanding and Wisdom.


A couple of years ago a woman, Catherine Ann Clement, came into the Denver area. Catherine Ann has written books on her own but has co-authored a few books with Claire Heartsong… the two most known are “Anna Grandmother of Jesus” and “Anna Voices of the Magdalenes”.  


I asked Catherine Ann if she would come to my space in Westminster to hold a workshop and she agreed to do so!  The workshop was fabulous and the gathering of women even more so.
At the end of our day together, she had us individually create a Brilliance Statement.


For me, this was somewhat of a struggle for it takes one out of the place and state of the I AM Statement into somewhat of an operative aspect of this statement.  Through the assistance of the others in the group, my statement came forward.

I refer to these statements as Statements of Empowered Divine Brilliance!


So… in embodying the “I AM a Teacher” forms the question of … ok, what does the Teacher do within the State of Grace (as a verb)?  I Empower Divinity.  Anything that I Teach in all that I AM and all that I do… I Empower Divinity.


It was as if Angels opened the clouds in the sky and sang …. Ahhhhhhhhhh!
This was a Truth that I found was setting me free in ways I never imagined!


Ok… Revelation! … now what?


I began to be taken into the Rose Heart awareness of my BEing as my own Brilliance as I fully embodied my Statement. I was coming into a deeper self-actualized awareness of how this statement brought the essence of my soul source into this world of Earth – Our Kingdom. I began to incorporate more of this aspect of Brilliance Statements into my Teachings as a guide assisting others into this.


I have worked with essential oils for 25+ years and know that the scent of roses is the highest of frequencies of essential oils.  So, how did this correlate with the Rose Heart and why is it so prevalent today? Rose Scent vibrates at 320hz.


One of the actions of Aromatherapy (a term widely mis-used) is that scent triggers the Amygdala – the seat of memories. This is why ‘scent’ takes you back into memories…..

I was being shown that not only does it activate memories of this lifetime but, it does so with all lifetimes as well. This has the ability to open and shed light on the Truth held within the memories so deep explorative healing can occur.


I began being shown more about the rose in particular.
Roses are not of this world… they are multi-dimensional. They are a frequency that when entering into the sphere of the Earth vibration … manifest as a beautiful bush that creates a beautiful flower that holds the highest vibrational scent to aid us in the human state to access the seat of our memories!  Past | Present | Future

This was and is a HUGE WOW! for me…


Ok… Revelation! … now what?


I then began to realize that when we enter the heart space and bring forth the multi-dimensional vision of the rose – that this is a Portal opening into the inner recesses of our selves.  The place that holds the Key to Unlock our own Divine Mysteries so that they are no longer mysterious and held in mystique.


We are all Illuminated and Transformed through this Revelation!

The Statement of Divine Empowered Brilliance has the Power and Authority, once created, to assist in opening this Portal in its fullest expression!


This past few weeks have been intense for me, to say the least. I saw an image on Facebook that hit me right in the Third Eye and I have experience numerous downloads regarding Elohim and the correlations to all of this and why it has been so intently important for me to gain clarity.


Elohim is so multi-faceted that I, honestly, am having difficulty completely understanding the infiniteness of it all. But… basically for us in the human mind set…


Please Open Your Rose Heart into Meditational Space:
Elohim as a collective of ‘Gods’ (neither masculine or feminine) but, simply Truth. Within Truth, there are breaches or branches that form to attend to the needs of the varying species of sentient forms throughout the Universes.

Elohim stands directly within the vibration of what is humanly perceived as ‘love’ but doesn’t stop there. This ‘love’ is expanded out into a harmonious vibrational expression of miltha (vibrational utterance) that reverberates in the core of all existence.  This does not segregate but is available to all within ‘oneness’. 


Though ‘oneness’ is a concept of BEing as it is also a concept of Holy Harmony as we connect with the Rose Heart Space that is the Core Vibration of your Innate BEing.


I ask here that you allow yourself to enter into the vibratory vantage point of the multi-dimensional Rose as you connect with the 320hz vibration. As you do so, all this to connect from your heart space into the creative workings of the Solar Plexus as this connects to your 13th Chakra … and breathe…


Please know, in this very place, 
Elohim in with you | around you | within you … Elohim is You and You are Elohim.

Allow the Harmony of the I AM to be present and to envelope you into your Divine Brilliance.


Shalom Aleichem





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