Spiritual Simplicity


My word for 2022 is Simplicity.

When working through and identifying my Core Values, I was surprised when Simplicity showed up. My life has never been what one would call simple and I hadn't even given this aspect much thought. So, when it made itself known to me, I realised deep within the depths of my being THIS is what I have been longing and craving for my entire life.

So now what??? This is the big question that I have been pondering through Meditation & Prayer.  With this energy, I feel a huge shift in all aspects of my life and the life I share with my husband.

A couple of months ago, my husband asked me if I felt I needed to cut back a bit on what I do. My answer to him was, "Probably so but I don't even know where to begin on how to do this." This has taken me down a rabbit hole of opportunity and yes! excitement at the thought of making this so.

First, I began to look at my business. I have always thought of myself as a Teacher and this is correct. At the basest levels of my makeup, I AM a Teacher. The problem was I was reluctant to see how Teaching could manifest in a variety of ways in the world we seem to be part of where nothing is constant or secure. We are truly in flux. The Tower card shaking us up and challenging us to let go and to BEcome!

Even though I truly love the 'in-person' experience, I know it is not necessary for transformation. Energy is Energy and moves as we shape it. I feel myself being shaped into the paradigm of the Aquarian vibration. This is propelling me to move out of the box.

When looking at my business platform, I know I need to restructure... but, geez... this takes SO much energy, thought and creativity. But, here I go. I will be taking more and more to the virtual opportunity that is so prevalent right now. I will shift my Teaching from the 'classroom' setting to Mentoring. Through one-on-one mentoring I can bring all of me to the table: Healing, Messages, Instruction, Guidance and so much more. I can also individualise what is needed to truly meet each person exactly where they are when they come to me! NOW!!! this IS exciting!

My business with remain The Beloved Heart Source but it will include Journeying into Divine Brilliance as this takes each person so deeply into the Rose Heart Awareness of Actualization.

There are 5 questions I ponder as I delve deeper into my personal Divinity.  

  1. Who Am I? (a) Susanah Tamar Magdalena
  2. What Am I? (a) Teacher shifting to Mentor/Guide. 
  3. Where do I come from? (a) The Stars
  4. Where Am I going? (a) Back home in consciousness.
  5. What is My Purpose? (a) I Empower Divinity.

I urge you to look at these questions to find your own answers. They will shift and change as you grow & mature within enlightenment.

My husband and I, are together, working on creating change to simplification in a myriad of ways in our life.  We will be sharing more as this all comes together!

Shalom Aleichem, Susanah


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