What is my business?

I recently saw it asked on Facebook, "What is your business?" 
and "What do you think my business is"? 

This got me to thinking about my business and if people know what my business actually is.  I know a lot of us, including me, that are working to 'brand' our business are out there working feverishly but... are we letting people know what our business is, who we are and what we are about.  I'm not sure, but I am sure we are missing many in not explaining all of this in better detail.

I love the 4 Agreements and one of them is to not make assumptions. I think we all need to ask ourselves if we are assuming others know who we are and what we are working to bring into this world that radiates out to the world(s) in consciousness. Sometimes, this gets so woo woo that we loose a LOT of people when if we just took the time to explain a bit more, I am shown there would be less confusion.

Regarding my business and what it is takes me to begin, not with the name of my business, but with the tag line. The tag line is the opening I was shown that will pique interest and make people who are ready to take note.

This tag line is basically what I and my business are all about. The name of the business is what the process leads to. In unlocking the Secrets or the Mysteries - we unravel the parts of ourselves that have become closed, shutdown or even that are seemingly missing. 

These have to do with Healing what I refer to as the 
5 Wounds of The Magdalene or that of the Divine Feminine and they are:
                            Abandonment - transmuting this to the Empowerment of Self-Love
                            Betrayal - transmuting this to Trust
                            Denial - transmuting this to Awareness of Truth
                            Judgement - transmuting this to the most Powerful: Forgiveness
                            Separation - transmuting this to full Surrender

Once the Secrets or the Mysteries are revealed - they are no longer in a Secret or Mysterious place and have no hold on us anymore. We are then empowered in moving forward in Wholeness and in Oneness.

Within the 'business' that I have - I am the facilitator taking each person who comes into my world through a processed peeling of the layers of the onion. I do this primarily through Teaching as my main gift is that of a Teacher. As a Teacher, I am also a channel of information bringing forth this highest and best with ease and grace. As a Teacher, I am also a healer bringing forth powerful quickenings of the Spirit through the Rose Healings that I offer (and Teach about!).

All of this then leads to the outcome:

This is THE place of connection!
Beloved - that place where we as individuals embrace the Divinity within through the actualizing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine that is our human make-up.

Once we embrace both aspects and allow them to come together - we find that which we have sought for so long - HOME.  Home is Oneness and when we embrace this as an individual - we then extend this out to the world(s) in the manner of 'tikkun olam' or repair of the world(s).

Heart - this is the place where the Beloved Presence within is actualized.
It is given birth and becomes present in our world.
It is through the Heart where we find our own individual Oneness.

Source - the place where all things are connected, manifested, magnified and extended.
We are consciously aware the We Are a Cell within the Body of God.

Mission: The Beloved Heart Source is a place where you can and will be listened to and heard.  You will be loved and you will be appreciated.  It is through this we reach our individual missions within consciousness of connection through Wisdom and Understanding.

We are joined in the Infinite Light and Love of Creator Energy in the molding and the developing of Our World as we *see* it's potential to be.  We understand that "frequency" is that which binds us as individuals into a "collective consciousness" that is powerful when joined in Unity.  Through this, "the power that ever was or will be is here now".  We embrace this principle.

I offer to you, Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena


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