What does it all mean?

My mother always has said to me, "Tami, you are and have always been searching."

And, she has always been absolutely right!
For a long time though, I didn't know exactly what I was searching for but I knew it was something extraordinarily deep... something I really couldn't put my finger on.

Through a process of experience and time, I am coming to an understanding of the wisdom I have always sought. I have found it has always been there ... inside of ME!

In the past, I had considered this to be external something I had to literally "find". Then to "find" it has always been there has been a true eye opener.  This moved me past the understanding of trust and belief to a deep Knowing.  To me, this is Gnosis ... the Knowing.

This has been a long and arduous journey of coming to terms with this concept.
I have always said I was and am a teacher. Interesting, that in my family ... there is a long line of teachers and teacher energy. I didn't always connect with the types of teachers they are but, there is this energy of imparting information that a teacher is part of.

And yes... I have stepped into the Teacher Mode and wear the cape. I am not a traditional teacher as I am one that shares and imparts the wisdom of what have, in the past, been termed as 'The Mysteries'. I am here as a tool of enlightenment to bring the mysteries forth so they are no longer mysterious and are open to all.

Also part of this journey is my family.
I was brought up to think that God, in HIS ultimate authority assigned us our parents.
When I first heard the concept or thinking that it is we, each of us as individual energies, who choose our family ... my mind was blown!  Why in the heck would I choose this family that I never fit in to?! What sense does this make in the big scheme?  Why wouldn't I have chosen a family that would support me instead of constantly trying to control me into something I am not?
Who really knows?

I just know that it was through their energy that the teacher in me woke.  Maybe that is all they were and are here to do??? Again, who knows?  Is there more or am I over complicating it all?

As I awakened to the true spiritual nature of my soul, I began adjusting and as I did ... I became more and more different from my biological family. I felt myself needing to create boundaries to keep myself in tact - allowing them to be who they are and giving myself permission to be who I am and to develop this.

I have had many teachers here on the planet throughout the years.
One of which was a Zen Master who I studied with for about 2 years. During our first time together, he shared with me a wisdom that he said would change and shift through the years and it has. The interesting thing though is that there is an aspect to it that has never shifted.

He said to me,
"We first learn to cast the stone upon the water that creates the ripples. Then we must learn to cast the second stone that once again stills the pond."


To me, the fundamental truth to and for this is:
"We first learn to commit to the idea. Then we must learn to commit to the success of the idea."

The 'idea' is the initial spark that creates the chaos. This is the place of pure potential.
The 'success' is where the idea becomes manifest and allows itself exposure and peace.

So, where am I now?
Am I within the idea or within the success of the idea?
I feel, FINALLY!, I am at a crossroads where the idea is becoming success.

I feel myself stepping fully into that which I have always sought - The Knowing.
I know the Understanding of Wisdom is within me.
I know I am the Spark of this Understanding of Wisdom.
In this Spark, I know I am the Wisdom Sharer - the Teacher and through this Understanding Becomes.

Who am I?
I am Susanah Tamar Magdalena.
Susanah as I am called by my teachers, Yeshua and Mary, The Magdalene.
Tamar as is my connection as one from the Tribe of David - the Lion of Judah.
Magdalena - one who follows the Teachings of the Divine Feminine and Divine Magdalene in Hieros Gamos (Holy Union) of The Magdalene.

What am I?
I am a teacher of Gnosis. I am here to teach and make un-Mysteries the Healings of The Magdalene.

Where do I come from?
I come from many varied places as my soul initially incarnated in this manner for experiential education. I am from Syrius, Pleiades, the initial planet of Lemuria, and more that I am still learning about. I am a traveler and an experiential being.

Where am I going?
I am going home in consciousness to the Oneness of the I AM within the vibrational miltha.

What is my Purpose?
I am here on this planet, as I was in the time Yeshua and Mary too walked the earth, to share the Teachings of The Healing of The Magdalene.
Yes, I teach other aspects as well but this Teaching is the imprint of my soul.

This is what I have sought to find ... my Divinity of Purpose within the human equation of life here on Earth. It is why I return again and again.

My love to each of you in wishing you will on your personal journeys of exploration and finding the Divinity within.

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena


  1. I love this Susanah! I can relate to feeling like an alien in my own family...always did. It stated making sense as I starting pursuing my own spiritual journey...and it is truly is all about the journey. Feels good to come into one's own! Blessings to you!

  2. And! It's nice to know we are not alone in our feelings and in our experiences!


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