What do you get out of it...?

When we reach out to someone to receive ... we need to have an idea what that might look like.
If we reach out to a doctor, we are hoping to receive information regarding our spiritual well-being.
If we reach out to a therapist, we are hoping to receive information regarding our emotional well-being.
If we reach out to a spiritual practitioner, we are hoping to receive information regarding our spiritual well-being.

The interesting aspect though with a spiritual practitioner is that we are not only setting our intent to be of assistance with the spiritual process of well-being. We are also concerned with the emotional, mental and physical aspects as well. I feel that makes us unique.

For me personally and as I have stated on my website, 
these are the things I adhere to:

This is the place of bringing forth Empowerment within the Human Experience.
We are here to find harmonization keys of our seemingly lost memories.
All the Power that ever was or will be is Here Now!
Through bringing forth accountability and responsibility that we are indeed the Creators of our Own World
just as it is in the moment of the now is an initial Key that is considered the Moment of Wakening.
​Be the Experience. Be the Life. Be the Love.

It is my intent and goal to be fully present in assist each person in understanding the wisdom of 5 Key Questions each human who is on a Spiritual Journey asks at some point.
1. Who am I?
2. What am I?
3. Where do I come from?
4. Where am I going?
5. What is my purpose.

I offer a number of different private sessions:
Ascension Integration is the "opening" of Galactic energies.  This is a vibrational patterning that is excellent when new to galactic intensities.  This is a 4th-6th dimensional source of information that opens you to information that comes from a variety of sources.
*What is received is unique and has the potential to bring forth powerful transformation in the actualization of the incredible being that you are. It has been life-altering for many.

Ascension Integrated Activations, that is broken down into 4 separate sessions. This is to help the human that we are to transcend into the Spiritual that we are re-becoming.  It is truly a mystical and magickal experience.
Session I         This is the Tikkun Olam תיקון עולם (Repair of the World)  Transference
- Designed to take us to understanding our true value as seen from the Supernal Overview and in accepting "worthiness".  Through this forgiveness of self becomes apparent and is then offered to a hurting world.
The Mantra: I am a beautiful creation of the I AM and I AM perfect just as I AM.
Session II       This is the Christ Consciousness/Forgiveness Transference
- Designed to take us from believing that a certain entity or deity created us. Bringing us to full acknowledgment that we came from Source and not a specific being bringing forth a sense of worthiness.
The Mantra: I am worthy of all the Gifts of Spirit which are already mine.
Session III      This is the LOVE Transference
- Designed to take us from the belief system that we are not worthy into full acknowledged worthiness that is then extended into the powerful essence of engulfing Universal Love.
The Mantra: I am simply and exquisitely created as Love.
Session IV     This is the Compassion Transference
- Designed to take us from from the equation of Forgiveness + Love to the answering Compassion. We find that we are Mercifully Compassionate to and for ourselves which then enables us in the human state of being to reach out and offer Merciful Compassion to a hurting world(s).
​In this session, we will also go back into Tikkun Olam to seal the work offered and completed.
The Mantra: I am Elohim.

*These are powerful sessions that include channeled information, the use of various vibrational activations offered through toning, aromatherapy, numeric coding, etc. 

These are energetically designed to work one with the other and to follow suite in accord as the vibrations build with each one offered and received. You will receive inner transmissions that have the powerful potential into take you deep into your soul core of remembering and knowing. You will leave with a sense of purpose.

These are followed and finalized, readying you for the next part of your journey of which you may start again if so needed.

The delightful and joyful energy presence known as Aharona brings her special addition to this process.
Aharona's Exalted Light DNA Activations
This is to fully interact with and bring forth within the energy of Love your 12 strands of DNA as a process to create and activate a 13th Strand.

*This adds a completeness to all that is offered that has the potential to take you to the next level of awareness that you are THE Creator of Your World!

Whatever is chosen to take part of, you will leave with an overall sense of well-being and connectiveness within that All that Is - the I AM that I AM. You will feel a harmonization of your soul that you will be able to take forward into the workings of our World/our Kingdom and be the change (from within) that you were meant to be from your soul's inception.

To find out more about Susanah Tamar Magdalena and The Beloved Heart Source
please feel free to visit our website.
*All private sessions, readings etc are offering "in-person" 
and virtually via Skype, FaceTime and Zoom.


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