
As we move through life, we come to an understanding that life is so much larger than we ever imagined. As we grow older, we can look back and reflect on places where this understanding was made apparent. For me, I consider these places - pinnacles - for they were places of extreme.

The 1st that I truly remember experiencing was this:
I was brought up in a traditional fundamental Christian home. This meant church on Sunday, youth group and church camp each summer as well as various other happenings. I loved each of these aspects of church. In particular, I loved church camp. I loved the comradery, the songs and the over all feeling of what the love of God was (at the time).

There was one such instance though that will never leave my mind or my heart.
We camped along a lake and in the morning would have early morning vespers. This was a time to come down to a place where nature had created an amphitheater of sorts. The rocks were there as if built just for us. The view was through trees looking out on to the lake.

At this time in the morning, the lake was smooth as glass as no boaters were out yet to disturb the serene atmosphere of a quiet lake morning. As we silently gathered in the quiet morning and began our prayers and our songs ... we observed the lake. The more we prayed and sang, the more the lake became 'alive' with movement. First began small movement on the surface that increased to full waves lapping on the shore.

There were still no person was on the lake.
Only us campers there with our prayer and song that woke the lake.
This was a pinnacle moment for me regarding the power of prayer and of song.

As life continued, I have has other such moments that have brought me to reflect and to understand my personal relationship with the energy I refer to as God. This is not a God ... male and on a throne casting down lightening bolts on those who offend. God for me is more of an ambient energy that is supportive and correcting as this is who and what I am as well.

I feel we are all here to learn, grow and to develop into our Divinity - that which is the core nature of our soul's origin and finding this can be challenging. As humans, it is often the challenge that teaches and shows us the most.

I have found that we all must take accountability and responsibility for our lives just as they have been, just as they are in the present and just as they will be in the unfolding future. We may not have chosen the exact experience, happening, exchange, etc ... but, we have chosen the teaching.

In each thing that we experience - harmony and disharmony - we must learn to ask, "What is the Teaching for me?" Learn this well and then move onwards to the next teaching as it unfolds. If there are repeating patterns ... to ask, "What Teaching am I not seeing?" It is constant and until we come to clarity within understanding we, in the human experience, do not move forward in ascension.

I am here to be part of inclusiveness - I am not here to be part of separateness for within the vibrational patterning of the Spirit of which we are all part of - there is no aspect of being separate.

I am Me. I am You. We are. And, therefore I AM.

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Magdalena


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