Mothers & Daughters

The relationship between mothers and daughters is beautiful and at the same time so very complicated. Who knows why?

The relationship between me and my mother has always been challenging.  She has had so many expectations and I have been the total opposite of everything she ever thought her 1st daughter would be. This is neither good or bad - just different.

It has been difficult because she can't begin to fathom who and what I am and at the same time difficult for me in that I have always had such a deep desire for you to just try.  It does seem that I am so far away from the foundation of who she is that she just hasn't been able to try. Honestly, she would just like to change me to be more like her in belief, lifestyle, etc.

My mom recently had a pretty devastating stroke.  She can still think and talk. The part of her brain that was affected has created a scenario where she has problems walking. You have to understand that my mom has never been still for long. She has church, activities with friends, travel and so much more that has always been part of her life. And, now we move like a "herd of turtles". She is doing her best to be patient but, it is all so exhausting.

She has made some incredible forward movement and is really doing very well.

I have been with her for about a week, helping her and my sister out as my sister (Carla) is primary caretaker as she lives right next door to my mom.  My other sister (Joy), Carla and their daughters (Eva and Carmen) have all been working in my mom's home to get things organized and so she can get through easily with her walker. It has been a week of hard work but oh so satisfying as my mom is a "Level I Hoarder" as we have all determined.

Mom and I have talked about a number of memories. One of my favorites is when she and I shopped for my wedding gown for my first wedding. We were blessed to pretty much have no budget which gave me the opportunity to try on and consider so many beautiful gowns.

Mom and I did this together with no one else with us and this was such a beautiful experience. We loved every bit of it and were so on the same page throughout the whole adventure.  The dress we agreed on was perfect and exactly what I had envisioned.  What a fabulous memory for a mother/daughter experience!

My mom has offered me a firm foundation of integrity and honestly.  I am blessed to have her in my life.


  1. Wonderful you can spend some time there with her, making new memories and hopefully a new level of connection ;)


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