Being in your Divinity

A couple of years ago, I met Jason Antalek. He used a terminology of "being in your Divinity".

This really made me think and has had me thinking for some time. This aspect of "being in my Divinity" shifted something major inside of me.

This is different than Divine Purpose - though is a part.
This is different than being on your Path - though is a part.
This is different than following our Heart - though is a part.

This is being something that one is at the very essence of the Core of the Individual Soul. Once found and cultivated, it is then something that moves out into the collective and becomes from the place of initiation - Tikkun Olam or Repair of the World(s).

I realized this is what I had been longing for my entire existence and have stepped into it time and again but, I haven't maintained this in every incarnation ... but, it is the longing of my soul.

Being in my Divinity had and has it's extreme appeal.

As I have spoken before of the year of 2018 being an "11" year - a Master number year - for me it has been a year of discovering Self-Mastery. Taking the "11" of the year to a "2" has moved me to understand how this then moves out collectively in a sense of collaboration.

Throughout this year my memories have flooded forth. I have wondered, in the past, at the aspect of past-live memories and their relevance. Some of them, I feel, are just memories or shades of who we have been. This is to help us see where we have been, where we are now, and where we may potentially go in the future.

Then ... there are MEMORIES of times that are so profound and the remembering is so full that it has to mean more. I have found these types of memories are indicative of our Divinity - who we are, what are missions are, etc. These have the potential to move us in a path of ascension that surpasses anything we ever thought possible.

I remember my full life during the time that Yeshua and Mary, The Magdalene were on the planet of Earth. I remember the familial connections and the bonds we had.

AM Susanah - the name I am called by, by my teachers Yeshua and Mary.
I AM Tamar - one who holds the lineage of David 
the Lion of Judah is within me.
I AM Magdalena - one who follows the teachings of The Magdalene.

I remember the Healings offered by Yeshua and Mary. I remember how this information was shared to those of us who also offered the Healings. I remember being the one who created the Teaching of The Healings. I remember working with Yeshua on this and then taking it to Mary who touched me and the Teaching with her Magick and brought it to life. I remember taking this Teaching to Essene communities and Teaching those who had a desire to learn.

This is MY Divinity.

Who am I? I am Susanah Tamar Magdalena.
What am I? I am a Teacher of The Healing of The Magdalene.
Where did I come from? The Land of Lemuria and before that ... the stars!
Where am I going? Back home in consciousness.
What is my Purpose? To Teach. To Teach The Healing of The Magdalene.

I am offering a plethora of Introductory experiences into this Teaching beginning in October and going through November. *Each person attending will receive a Healing of The Magdalene and will receive an entry into a Drawing that will offer you the Teaching Program as my Gift to You.

The Healing of The Magdalene Teaching is in 7 parts and will begin on the Winter Solstice - December 21st as the Advent of the Return of Light.


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