Truth vs The "Lie"

I have found through the years that my passion and my mission here on this planet has to do with "truth" and all the ways this shows up and/or doesn't show up.

Truth is not always what is spoken, written and lived.  It is sometimes the pieces of the puzzle that aren not exposed.  I have had to come to terms with the many ways the "lie" reveals itself.  For me, personally this comes through enlightenment.

The more I am enlightened or the more I move into the wisdom and understanding of Truth, the more I see the deception ... the lies.  Growing up, it wasn't so much what I was told in life ... in church ... in school, etc. but, more what I was not told and/or taught.  When I asked questions that no one knew the answer for, the answer wasn't sought and I wasn't taught how to find my own answers.  I was simply told to just "believe" and/or to have "faith".

How can someone believe in something and/or have faith in something that isn't relevant or isn't fully revealed?  So, my search began ... my search for Truth.

My mother has always said I was and have been looking for something.  This is true.  The untruth of it or the "lie" is that she feels I am still looking and doesn't validate that for me, I have found ... maybe not all of "truth" ... but, an avenue of finding truth that has meaning for me.

All of our truths are different and unique and the ways we find this (or don't find this) is our own.

For me, the truth is simple.
Love, respect and honor others for how truth presents itself to each of us. Listen and validate others truth, even if they differ from my own. Understand that it is difficult enough for me to understand my own path without trying to determine the paths of others.

And, most importantly, don't take anything personal.
What others believe and or think (of me or anything else) is not my business.
This simple state of being shifts and harmonizes the "lie" into a common truth of my soul.


  1. Lots of things are coming to the surface. The truth will always shine through eventually :)


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