
Showing posts from February, 2016

How to the Pieces Fit?

I am one who always looks for the connection - how do the pieces fit? Who am I? What am I? What is my Purpose? Where do I fit? How does my life serve? Life is interesting and the unfolding brings forth marvelous bits and pieces of understanding. For years now, I have been in the fold of Mary, The Magdalene in an unconditional way.  Within this fold, there was Jeshua and all of those who were close companions with Mary and with Jeshua... 24 others in fact.  It has been a time of extreme beauty of identifying with the questions above.  I have learned and understood who I was and what my purpose was during the time we were together. I never realized this journey was only a small piece of the puzzle leading me further back to the inception of my soul being.  Through a recent process of weird sleep patterns, re-connections, clearings and healings more has come into my field of awareness. I have known for years I am not one who was from the Atlanteans.  At one...