How to the Pieces Fit?

I am one who always looks for the connection - how do the pieces fit?
Who am I?
What am I?
What is my Purpose?
Where do I fit?
How does my life serve?

Life is interesting and the unfolding brings forth marvelous bits and pieces of understanding.

For years now, I have been in the fold of Mary, The Magdalene in an unconditional way.  Within this fold, there was Jeshua and all of those who were close companions with Mary and with Jeshua... 24 others in fact.  It has been a time of extreme beauty of identifying with the questions above.  I have learned and understood who I was and what my purpose was during the time we were together.

I never realized this journey was only a small piece of the puzzle leading me further back to the inception of my soul being.  Through a recent process of weird sleep patterns, re-connections, clearings and healings more has come into my field of awareness.

I have known for years I am not one who was from the Atlanteans.  At one time I was part of a group who identified with Atlantis and I had a difficult time as I didn't connect.  I asked why I didn't feel the connection and the answer that came through loud and clear was "... because you were never there."  Ok, so where was I from?

Soon after, I took a journey to Sedona and found an extremely large map of Lemuria.  When I looked at the map, I knew that was MY map ... a piece of the puzzle.  The question has always been how to return or how to identify fully with this connection.

Just today, years later, the connection is being made apparent through many different teachings - mainly of Kabbalah.  I see clearly the evolutionary process of my soul, Contracts from the ancient times and promises I made that I still hold and that hold me.

I AM one of Lemuria and I finally feel the book unfolding that I knew at one time I would write.  I see and know of the place of which I came and much of this is coming through the energy of "honeybees" of which come to me and share information.  I see the origin and the level of experiences that were chosen in times long long ago.

I see the energy of "stillness" of no separation that was (and is) Lemuria before its arrival on this Earth plane of existence.  I feel it and I embrace it.  It was thought of as "Merlin" - androgynous in it's lack of form - primal and a force to contend with.  Through the energy of "Merlin" we were and are creators of all things both great and small for there is no size relevance from this place.

This "Merlin" energy source made the conscious decision to embrace experiences in different ways and thus felt we had the need to enter a different dimension within time/space and that is when we chose this place of Earth. We chose to experience this to experience the aspect of creation and to be co-creators of existence in all ways possible and this could only be found in the place we finally came to be. It was wild and uncharted territory and that called to the energy of "Merlin".

When entering this space - a separation occurred that we had not experienced in our past.  We were separated into a sense of masculine and that of feminine - duality of sorts.  The "masculine" energy that was being experienced was the energy of the creation point and was referred to as "The Merlin" of which the energy is held in what is termed as "The Crystal Caves".  The "feminine" energy that was being experienced was the energy of the birthing aspect of life and was referred to as "The Magdalene" of which the energy is held in what is termed as "Avalon".  Both energies and the holding places of these energies was and is to this day sacred.

In the beginning - there was chaos and confusion in this "division" as it hadn't been experienced in the memory of "Merlin" ... of Lemuria.  There was a secret place we entered that was a cross between "Avalon" and "The Crystal Caves" that we would go to.  In joining in this place, we would once again experience the Oneness Union of "Merlin".

I took my place within this energy to hold and to maintain Oneness Union throughout time.  This place that was found after separation occurred.  I took this place within the energy of the nurturing feminine/of the energy of the moon that we so closely felt an affinity for.  I stood her holding the sacred doorway of the masculine/feminine duality and connection.  This has become, through time, a place of deep mystery.

As time went on, "Avalon" and "The Crystal Caves" became separate places of which we couldn't find the opening to the connection point.  We seemed to have lost the point of access.  In this, a deeper sense of chaos was experienced and we found ourselves deeply involved with movement towards finding the "Oneness" in a different way.  We found we had to experientially explore avenues to Harmony.  Thus the place of "gnosis" occurred.  Revelation through experience was sought, explored and found through Trial and Error.

It was in this place we once again (through experience) had to find our way.  We did this through process of exploration.  We truly became explorers at this point.  We came to the realization this could only occur through forgiveness for many of us were questioning our reason for leaving the Oneness of "Merlin".  When we did feel the forgiveness of our individuality we found something happened.  We found the "repair of separation" and in this the "repair of our world" we had come to reside in.  We accepted out lot, allowed forgiveness and truly felt "love" as experienced in physicality for the first time.  We were enchanted and this enchantment came to be known as "tikkun olam" - "the Repair of the World".

We did find the Harmony we had though we would never experience again!  We were illuminated.  We woke to the energy of physical "oneness" and we rejoined to the energy of the androgynous nature of "Merlin".  We were "anointed" in the awakening of our spiritual being within the physicality. 

At this point many left.  They had come to experience and felt they had found what they had sought. Our home, known here on the Earth as Lemuria ceased to exist. Many stayed and integrated into different civilizations, tribes and cultures. Some flourished and others were destroyed.

After this became the civilization that followed us and carried this energy forth that we had found and the tales are still told and sung even in the time you are in.  The song that resonates in the time of your life is the story of The Christ (The Merlin) and The Magdalene (once again making her presence known).

I personally came into physicality during this time to experience that which would follow for many lifetimes.  My agreement was to be one of Lemuria - known as a Mari as so many were including the special one who took her place as Mari, known as The Magdalene.  There were many such as us for we were here to bring forth the unified energy source of the original "Merlin" prior to being here in the place of Earth.

It was in this place and time that part of "The Law" was to be fruitful and to multiply within the sacred union of the joining of masculine and feminine within the energy of "tikkun olam" and to experience the Harmony of this joining.  The pro-creation point was to bring forth balanced masculine and feminine children who would from that point forward walk within the Harmony of the joining of their parents.  Those of us who stayed did so for this expressive point - to Experience Creation from the very inception to conclusion.  We were here to wake fully within the physical and sexual state to find and maintain bliss of masculine/feminine copulation that is to be held as sacred and holy.

This became distorted and a sadness fell over those earth dwellers and "most" lost their way including those of our kind who still remained.  The Trail of Tears was created and bellowed its sorrow across the land.  This has been referred to in ancient tellings as "Tsa-la-gi".

Those of us who do remember or who are fighting to remember are here as "LightWorkers".  We are the Sacred Ones who hold the intention of the Ancients to bring back the energy of Harmony.  We are also here to hold our lanterns high for those who are seeking their way back to the Mystery of Sacredness to embody all that is holy.

I have made a vow to continue my work returning, life after life, to this place of Earth until the Oneness of "Merlin" is once again embraced.  This is my Pact/My Sacred Contract from Ancient Times.

Shalom Aleichem

*For those who know me, you know I teach.  I will be teaching in the near future a series of Sacredness to assist those who are looking for their way back.  Look for this, ask me about it and envelope it around you when it comes forth.


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