Illuminators & Transformers

Lately I've been feeling a little discombobulated. Interesting that this is happening at the same time I feel things really coming together. I think it's because what is happening with me at this time as well as what I am to bring into this world is something I have been looking for and longing to do but, didn't have a clue what that was all about. And when it happens ... well, it kind of shakes things up maybe because it is something that is so unexpected. Through this transforming place I am in - I am finding the need for deeper work within - deeper than I've gone before. I understand this is to bring about illumination at new and deeper levels. As I have begun to work deeper with the Rose of my soul - my innate being - to bring this forth, my association with roses has too deepened. Roses are something quite unique. The scent that is brought forth from roses is of an extremely high frequency that can do nothing but elevate and illuminate. I found an amazing R...