Illuminators & Transformers

Lately I've been feeling a little discombobulated. Interesting that this is happening at the same time I feel things really coming together. I think it's because what is happening with me at this time as well as what I am to bring into this world is something I have been looking for and longing to do but, didn't have a clue what that was all about. And when it happens ... well, it kind of shakes things up maybe because it is something that is so unexpected.

Through this transforming place I am in - I am finding the need for deeper work within - deeper than I've gone before. I understand this is to bring about illumination at new and deeper levels.

As I have begun to work deeper with the Rose of my soul - my innate being - to bring this forth, my association with roses has too deepened.  Roses are something quite unique. The scent that is brought forth from roses is of an extremely high frequency that can do nothing but elevate and illuminate.

I found an amazing Rose Oracle from out of the UK. Today, I began my personal work with these amazing tools of frequency.  The 1st card I pulled is numbered R A 10.
R A = Rose Angel
Each of these beautiful roses speak and when they do it is quite intense.

Self-Love - releasing the Heart Wound of Abandonment
Interesting. I have always felt abandoned in that I felt an outsider from my family and in this sort of left to the side to figure things out on my own. I had no one that spoke my language or who even wanted to learn.

I know I still deal with this and need to embrace this so that I can move forward. Today was Step 1 in moving forward and completing this.

As we each do our own work, we find so many levels of our soul that have need and work.

I know this is a start for me as I begin this for you as well.
We are all Teachers and We are all Students ... all of the time.
As I teach and share with you ... I learn and for this I stand in gratitude.

I know I am in new territory (even though it is ancient for me) and in this I am filled with excitement, apprehension, joy, trepidation, love ... and so much more. The emotions of this human life is indeed a complicated situation to work through. I am embracing this with all of the cosmic love I hold to present myself authentically.

Shalom Aleichem.


  1. Wonderful article Susanah! How beautiful that you are following your souls' path despite how challenging...and lonely that can be at times. You're an inspiration! I imagine the Rose Oracle cards are lovely.


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