What is my business?

I recently saw it asked on Facebook, "What is your business?" and "What do you think my business is"? This got me to thinking about my business and if people know what my business actually is. I know a lot of us, including me, that are working to 'brand' our business are out there working feverishly but... are we letting people know what our business is, who we are and what we are about. I'm not sure, but I am sure we are missing many in not explaining all of this in better detail. I love the 4 Agreements and one of them is to not make assumptions. I think we all need to ask ourselves if we are assuming others know who we are and what we are working to bring into this world that radiates out to the world(s) in consciousness. Sometimes, this gets so woo woo that we loose a LOT of people when if we just took the time to explain a bit more, I am shown there would be less confusion. Regarding my business and what it is takes me to begi...