Joy - What is it all about?

I've been thinking quite a bit about the experience of this life that includes JOY! There have been times in my life where I have felt pure unadulterated JOY but, these experiences are few and far between. The things that come to mind that exude Joy experiences I have had are: * Cool Rain on my face on a warm day * At low tide ... walking far out on the sand into the horizon (singing) * Giving birth * Sailing - I love the sea spray on my body and face - the exhilaration of the wind! * Watching someone light up with empowerment * Being within my Divinity I know there are more but these are what come up 1st when I consider JOY! I've been shown the Age of Pisces that came into our world at the time Y'shua and Mary, The Magdalene were here on our planet was a time of Forgiveness that led to the Powerful & Transformative Love bringing into our awareness Merciful Compassion. This was a powerful message that came through during 2018. It's taken us 2000...