Joy - What is it all about?

I've been thinking quite a bit about the experience of this life that includes JOY!

There have been times in my life where I have felt pure unadulterated JOY but, these experiences are few and far between.  The things that come to mind that exude Joy experiences I have had are:
* Cool Rain on my face on a warm day
* At low tide ... walking far out on the sand into the horizon (singing)
* Giving birth
* Sailing - I love the sea spray on my body and face - the exhilaration of the wind!
* Watching someone light up with empowerment
* Being within my Divinity

I know there are more but these are what come up 1st when I consider JOY!

I've been shown the Age of Pisces that came into our world at the time Y'shua and Mary, The Magdalene were here on our planet was a time of Forgiveness that led to the Powerful & Transformative Love bringing into our awareness Merciful Compassion. This was a powerful message that came through during 2018.

It's taken us 2000 years to begin understanding this beautiful equation. I feel the piece of this we struggle with is "SELF" Forgiveness & "SELF" Love. We feel we can offer this to and for others but, have we awakened to the place where we truly understand the wisdom this must first be experienced and actualized within our individuality to be completely activated within?

Now, we find ourselves within the advent of the Age of Aquarius. There is a time frame here that is offered to us before this New Age is completely accessible that we "get" the message of Forgiveness and Love leading to Compassion. Are we understanding the message this begins within us as individuals?

I am not sure.

As we move closer to the full presence of the Age of Aquarius that brings forth FULL JOY do we understand the message of the Age of Pisces has to be completed?  Joy is the beginning of an advanced place of communion with those beings of the cosmos, beyond the veil, and so on.

I worked with a collective in 2018. We referred to ourselves as the Andromeda Gateway Collective as we each brought forth a piece of a powerful message that was entering into our place of existence.  One of the collective brought forth the message that Joy is the lowest vibration of the Andromedans and, at the same time the highest for humanity. BUT! finally ... a point of connection where we both can meet and share.

As we move closer and closer to the Age of Aquarius being fully instated ... hopefully, it won't take us another 2000 years to receive the Understanding & Wisdom of its message. My hopeful intent is to be part of the introduction of this vibration so that we may all step into it's vibration with ease and grace ... so that we may all be filled with JOY!

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena
Find The Beloved Heart Source on Meetup, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!


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