Let It Be...

In July of 2019, I had a healing session with a dear friend. She talked specifically about this concept of "Let It Be". The message and the healing were quite profound. When I came back into my office space and turned on my Pandora, John Lennon was singing, "Mother Mary speaks her wisdom... Let It Be..." In this instance, this was a direct message not only from my friend but from a power teacher of mine, the Mother Mary. I have always been a 'do-er' but, I was reminded and yanked back into the concept of just BEing in the moment and to savor that. After the healing & messages, I went into a situation where I had absolutely NO voice for about 3 weeks. I realized at the time what it was all about. I was literally being shut up so I had to stop and just BE. Everything I do as a multi-dimensional communicator was being hushed up. I was to just BE. I learned so much from this experience. In January of 2020, I woke from a deep sleep hearing a vo...