Let It Be...

In July of 2019, I had a healing session with a dear friend. She talked specifically about this concept of "Let It Be". The message and the healing were quite profound.

When I came back into my office space and turned on my Pandora, John Lennon was singing, "Mother Mary speaks her wisdom... Let It Be..."
In this instance, this was a direct message not only from my friend but from a power teacher of mine, the Mother Mary.

I have always been a 'do-er' but, I was reminded and yanked back into the concept of just BEing in the moment and to savor that.

After the healing & messages, I went into a situation where I had absolutely NO voice for about 3 weeks. I realized at the time what it was all about. I was literally being shut up so I had to stop and just BE. Everything I do as a multi-dimensional communicator was being hushed up. I was to just BE.

I learned so much from this experience.

In January of 2020, I woke from a deep sleep hearing a voice saying, "we only have 3 months..."
Nothing more, nothing less ... just this.  I have sat with this ever since.

As we came into this period of the 'virus', I knew this message had something to do with what was and still is and will continue in our world. At the prompting of a friend yesterday to revisit this, I came to a realization.

“We have 3 months to enter what is the ‘new normal’.” (So maybe … the 3 months began after my message… as the aspect of time is an illusion... )
“To move past what has been into what is in the present.” To simply BE.

I ask you, "How has this time presented you with this aspect of BEing? and, how have you embraced this?"

For me, I have slowed down a LOT. What I have realized is I am better rested, kinder and compassionate. I also have realized that even though I haven't been pushing, just accepting ... things are not that much different on all levels of my existence.

I am Learning to BE.

Shalom Aleichem, 
Susanah Magdalena

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