
Showing posts from January, 2021

Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021!!!   I feel like anytime we begin something new that we must 1 st  review and offer gratitude for what has been. At this time, I would like for you to take a moment to find something you are grateful for that 2020 offered to you and yours as we move to close this vibration as we  OPEN to 2021!     Personally, I am grateful for the time to really come to an understanding through wisdom of what is truly important for me personally and for what I offer others. I am grateful for what seems to be healing occurring in my family, particularly with my daughter and our previous estranged relationship! Hallejuah!!!   2020 was indeed a challenge on a myriad of levels. But… as most of the challenge was about change …  this offers the opportunity to be better. Challenges also make our ‘true colors’ show through. As we are in a time of full disclosure … when this happens it isn’t always pretty. But… it is necessary. It allows the ‘not so pretty ...