Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021!!!


I feel like anytime we begin something new that we must 1st review and offer gratitude for what has been. At this time, I would like for you to take a moment to find something you are grateful for that 2020 offered to you and yours as we move to close this vibration as we OPEN to 2021!



Personally, I am grateful for the time to really come to an understanding through wisdom of what is truly important for me personally and for what I offer others. I am grateful for what seems to be healing occurring in my family, particularly with my daughter and our previous estranged relationship! Hallejuah!!!


2020 was indeed a challenge on a myriad of levels. But… as most of the challenge was about change …  this offers the opportunity to be better. Challenges also make our ‘true colors’ show through. As we are in a time of full disclosure … when this happens it isn’t always pretty. But… it is necessary.

It allows the ‘not so pretty places’ of self to emerge for us to look at them more closely to understand the ‘whys’ | ‘whens’ | ‘whats’ | ‘whys’ and ‘hows’. Hopefully this helps us to emerge more beautifully harmonized. 


So… with this being said… what has 2020 exposed for you/about YOU?
What have you learned and/or are still learning for what 2020 offered?

What are you going to take with you into 2021? And, what are you going to leave behind?


So… here we are now beginning 2021 as it ushers us in the Age of Aquarius!

But… when did the Age of Aquarius actually begin?
Gnostic philosopher Samael Aun Weor declared February 4, 1962 to be the beginning of the "Age of Aquarius", heralded by the alignment of the first six planets, the Sun, the Moon and the constellation Aquarius.


The song “Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In,” sung by the 5th Dimension hit the Top 40 chart on March 15, 1969, reached No. 1 in April, and remained on the chart for 16 weeks.

Even though in actuality there is no time … and because of this it is difficult to determine the “time” of an age but, with this in mind … an age lasts approximately 2000 years and takes approximately 200 years to come and then to fully expand its existence into the physical world of Earth.


We have been, throughout our lives, moving out and away from the Age of Pisces. This was the Age being ushered in at the time of Christ and the followers of this mass movement. The age was, YES!, about Love but… was also greatly influenced by Forgiveness… which is much of what the energy Yeshua was bringing forth. 


It has taken humankind the majority of these 2000 years to begin to understand:

Love – that we must integrate self-love 1st before we can truly love others.
This is Gnosis – receiving spiritual enlightenment through direct experience. Without direct experience – enlightenment has a difficult time occurring.

Forgiveness – really must come 1st. We must first forgive ourselves (often from ourselves) to understand what it is to love ourself that can then be extended out to others.


... Take a Deep Breath …


What does this Age of Aquarius mean? And what is it bringing into our World?
As I have channeled a being who calls herself Aharona (translates as Exaulted Light) though she says she is THE Exaulted Light – her message is Joy and she is instilling in me and others who are part of her vibration – JOY!


In 2018/2019, Jason Antelek, Liz Ann Fischer, Sandy Blaha and I were working and channeling together bringing forth, with the Aharona vibration, the Age of Aquarius. Sandy received something interesting from the Andromedans. They shared with her that their lowest vibration is that of JOY and now it is beginning to be our highest!

What does this mean? Well, I took it to mean that yes, we have known of each other in the past but now! we have the opportunity to co-exist in a more meaningful way of communication. We are now vibrating at a level of combined sharing. I felt the excitement run through my body as we began opening to this knowledge. I still feel this today! I also have a knowing this is not only with Andromedans but, with other cosmic energies as well!


About 2021 – I am here to say it is not going to really be so much easier. 

It is a year that continues to hold chaos. 


2020 (4) was about structure – de-structurizing to re-structure.

2021 (5) to me is about challenges. The challenge of how to re-structure the mess.


We are revisiting and being given the opportunity RIGHT NOW to make things right.
At the time of Christ, the vibration of the world was very similar to what it is now. Political and religious turmoil was throughout the world. As things were changing, people were being led to understand they couldn’t believe in the world of their ancestors. Things were not the same and never would be again.


Sound familiar?
Well, it should as we are having much of a repeat RIGHT NOW.

This is the time to question: Are we learning? Are we growing? Are we moving deeper into Understanding & Wisdom.
All I can say is “I hope so…” But, honestly I am not sure.

All I know is that it is us and others like us, within our community, that have the opportunity to BE the Change and bring this into an instrumental place into our world.


2020 began and continued, as it was supposed to, the breaking down of the old order.

2021 is opening, giving us the opportunity to evaluate what is important and to determine what and how the world needs to be. This is a time of coming together... a time of collaboration. This is not a time of division but a time of harmonizing what has been.


Astrologers and those who channel (such as me) are feeling and saying much of the same things. THE year 2021 is the time to get some things straightened out and to get them right. This is the doorway of opportunity. The question is: “What is your role in this? And, how can you be an active participant?”


Watch your thoughts and your words. Catch yourself when you are feeling, thinking, saying things that are out of alignment with harmonization. 
Remember our Statement: “We believe we create our reality with our thoughts.”


Abracadabra is a Hebrew phrase with a loose meaning of, “I create what I speak…”


2021 is a time of creating the foundation of Harmonized Creation!

by Susanah Magdalena

The Beloved Heart Source


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