Eradicating Fear w/LOVE!

Eradicating Fear w/LOVE! I was given information years ago regarding frequency vibrations. I was shown and told that the frequency of Love dissipates and eradicates anything that is negative and, more importantly, not in our highest and best as an evolving energy species. At the time, this was aligning with the misaligned fear of chemtrails. I was shown that if we individually and collectively join that we have the power & the authority to dissipate anything that is outside of harmony. Interesting. I have stood by this thought process regarding chemtrails as well as anything else that enters out world that is out of harmonic presence. Recently, I have realized I am outside of harmonic presence and this has occurred with the entry of COVID-19 (and its varying forms) into our world as a misaligned frequency. I haven’t necessarily been in ‘fear’ of the virus but, I have been wary and yes, even fearful, of the vaccine. This has taken on a life of ...