Moving into YOUR Super Power

About 3 years ago, Catherine-Ann Clemett held a workshop in my space where a number of women attended. At the end of the workshop, Catherine-Ann guided us into created a Brilliance Statement. I was definitely challenged in creating mine. Through the help of Catherine-Ann and the other brilliant women in this group - mine emerged! I Empower Divinity was indeed a place of Empowerment to and for me. The next part was embracing this. as I did, I felt myself BEcome this! I now call this my Statement of Divine Empowered Brilliance. And... I guide others into creating theirs! If interested in this, please contact me and we can create yours together! Through this is something else is emerging! I have a private group going on right now involved in a 4-month commitment of Moving Past Limiting Fears - as we all encourage each other in BEcoming our Unique Brilliance or our SUPER POWER! People ask all the time, "What is my Purpose?" And... in a nutshell, this is IT! I have created...