Divine Brilliance
A number of years ago I was challenged by a friend of mine. He asked me, “Are you in your Divinity?” Well… this took me down a ‘rabbit hole’ to say the least … that is on-going. (Alice in Wonderland???) I was taken inward to ponder this question … which I am still pondering. This has brought me to some amazing places. I realized I first needed to identify what “divinity” meant to and for me before I could even come close to answer this question. I found that personally, I feel “divinity” is that which my soul is and what my soul does regardless of what kind of incarnation I am in or not in. I have known for years that I am a Teacher. Whatever I do… Teaching Happens. I am a gleaner of information and this just sort of oozes out in what I project. So, to me, My Divinity is that of a Teacher. Ok Answered: … now what? My I AM Statement: I AM a Teacher rings with Truth. As Yeshua shared with his Disciples in John 8:31 in refere...