
Showing posts from March, 2014


I grew up in a predominately Christian home with a predominately Christian family.  I had a wonderful upbringing as a family.  I also have wonderful memories of my spiritual growth and development.  I am not one who *hated* church or the way I was brought up.  I LOVED church ... all parts of it.  I loved what I heard, I loved the music, I loved the people, I loved the socialization ... I loved the feeling of church ... and, I still do. Early on in my life, around the time I graduated from high school, I knew there were things missing though from what I was taught in church.  I knew there was more to the stories, to finding Truth ... and, I set out to find it.  I began finding myself part of full gospel churches with allowed me to explore more of the inner spirituality I knew was deep in my soul.  This was a great place for me ... for awhile.  But, again ... I knew there was more. I would hear all you ever need is Jesus and I agreed and st...

"Lisa, I hear you..."

I have a friend named Lisa.  Lisa is the niece of my ex-husband who I really never got to know until after the marriage with her uncle ended and I moved here to Colorado over 10 years ago.  Lisa is my friend and Lisa is more. Lisa died on September 9, 2013.  The minute I was aware of her death, I realized it was 9/9.  In numerology this is 9+9 = 18   1+8 = 9.  9 is a number of completion.  When I realized the "9" ~ I heard, "I'm done. It's done. I'm done."  I knew right then Lisa who had chose an extremely difficult and hard life was "done".  She doesn't have to come back to this plane unless, of course, she chooses to do so. (and, she just might...) I then began waking up through the night and the numbers on the clock would invariably add up to "9". I then realized something else.  Her uncle (my ex-husband) and I (and my daughter and others we know) used the name LISA as out PIN numbers.  LISA on the keypad is 5472. hmmmmmm ...

Mary Magdalene's Message

I am Mary Magdalene The Magdalene, as I am also known and am here in this place and space reaching out towards women in this time of unity of the heart. I am here with a message Of Love ~ Great Love ~ Sacrificial Love Love that honours life. I have known pain and sorrow but this was of my choosing the 'knowing' was the hardest and most complicated part. The man I chose to follow ~ The Christ, as you know him returned my love ~ in his way the only way he could ~ by honouring me. In my choice to follow this man and walk by his side I began my journey as his Priestess and Companion. In this place I was allowed liberty of closeness with such a man as few had. He regarded and revered me in my role to him as his 'preparer'. As I prepared his way helped to open the door in which he would ultimately depart. In this ~ leaving me ~ alone scorned through history ~ misunderstood ~ It is now my time to make a stand...