
I grew up in a predominately Christian home with a predominately Christian family.  I had a wonderful upbringing as a family.  I also have wonderful memories of my spiritual growth and development.  I am not one who *hated* church or the way I was brought up.  I LOVED church ... all parts of it.  I loved what I heard, I loved the music, I loved the people, I loved the socialization ... I loved the feeling of church ... and, I still do.

Early on in my life, around the time I graduated from high school, I knew there were things missing though from what I was taught in church.  I knew there was more to the stories, to finding Truth ... and, I set out to find it.  I began finding myself part of full gospel churches with allowed me to explore more of the inner spirituality I knew was deep in my soul.  This was a great place for me ... for awhile.  But, again ... I knew there was more.

I would hear all you ever need is Jesus and I agreed and still do but, my feelings on this have changed.  I believe all we do need is what Jesus did his best to bring to this planet through the time of his life.  This was acceptance of those who were not perfect ... this was love of all people no matter where they were ... and, this was healing offered to all freely with no regard of who and what kind of life they lived up to that point.  The love offered was and still is unconditional and this is what I sought ... the unconditional love of Jesus.

I felt my soul longing for more ... a deeper understanding and closeness.  So... I ventured out to find.  As my mother has always said ... I have always been searching for something.  She was right on many levels.  I was always searching for an intense and personal relationship with Jesus ... Jeshua that was not part of Christianity as it is now portrayed.  I sought a deep and personal relationship without any confines of any religious pre-conceived idea of how this should occur or what it should be like.

I have found in myself a deep and satisfying relationship with myself.  I am learning to find this with others who are on this earth with me.  I have found a deep and satisfying relationship with Jeshua and such a deep deep understanding of him, his messages, his students ... his life.  He has walked directly into my heart and dwells deep within my heart of hearts ~ the place in which the Holy of Holies lies deep within me.  I have the connection I have always sought.  There is no more searching.  I am home.

I have found an enlightening relationship with God ~ one where I understand what it is to stand within the Bliss of God.

I am perfect exactly where I am as a child of God and as a sister of Jeshua, Rabboni.



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