"Lisa, I hear you..."

I have a friend named Lisa.  Lisa is the niece of my ex-husband who I really never got to know until after the marriage with her uncle ended and I moved here to Colorado over 10 years ago.  Lisa is my friend and Lisa is more.

Lisa died on September 9, 2013.  The minute I was aware of her death, I realized it was 9/9.  In numerology this is 9+9 = 18   1+8 = 9.  9 is a number of completion.  When I realized the "9" ~ I heard, "I'm done. It's done. I'm done."  I knew right then Lisa who had chose an extremely difficult and hard life was "done".  She doesn't have to come back to this plane unless, of course, she chooses to do so. (and, she just might...)

I then began waking up through the night and the numbers on the clock would invariably add up to "9".
I then realized something else.  Her uncle (my ex-husband) and I (and my daughter and others we know) used the name LISA as out PIN numbers.  LISA on the keypad is 5472. hmmmmmm
5+4 = 9  7+2 = 9  9+9=18  1+8 = 9
We had her number all the time!

I then started getting information on blended my own essences.  I received information for what I thought were 10 essences ... when I realized I had 9. (again ... Lisa)
I now have 18 essences and am hearing no more at this time.  Again "9".

I seriously began contemplating the "9s" but never came to a real understanding of the message ... except when "9s" were present ... so was Lisa.  But, somehow I knew there was more and I kept talking about this with anyone who would listen.

Then ... one Saturday, there was a shift.
Years ago, I read a book "Journey of Souls" by Dr. Michael Newton (Lives Between the Lives) and in his book one thing he wrote about was the soul's need for repair after leaving a life.  He wrote there was a time of repair and rejuvenation before reincarnating into a new life.  And, depending on the amount of repair needed ... had relevance on how long it took the soul to reincarnate and/or to move on in its journey.
*I also some time back had a session with Rich Haas who trained with Dr. Newton in this technique.  One of the most amazing parts of this session was when I went to meet with my soul family ~ I saw Lisa there.  As I said she is my friend ... and, she is more...

I knew as difficult as Lisa's life had been there would be needed time to become "whole" again.

Lisa knew I studied Kabbalah.  As a Kabbalist (one who studies the teachings of Kabbalah) in this study is the visual aspect of The Tree of Life.  On the Tree of Life are 10 enumerations (Sefira) which are all associated to varieties of aspects of life.  One of the aspects of each of the enumerations is that they are numbered from 1 (at the top of the tree) to 10 (at the bottom of the tree).  #10 is called Malkuth (known as The Kingdom).  It is basically the physical aspects of Earth.  As the numbers move up to the #1 place at the top of the tree, this is called Keter (known as The Crown).  This place is basically where we become one with God and have full realization that we are a cell within the body of God.  This is where we come to when we feel the "bliss" of knowing and touching the aspect of God that we are.

The "9s" Lisa had been showing me had been so prevalent and unrelenting.
At this point, I gained some clarity on this.  She had me add things up in different ways which I will get to in a moment.  All the "9s" have been showing me something.  Basically #9 on the Tree of Life is Yesod (The Foundation).  This is the place where we move out of the physicality of Malkuth and we come into this place in which I visualize as a "springboard" up and out of the much of the earthly plane/collective.  This is where we come to terms that which is earthly is not enough and we know, want and need more.

In regards to what Lisa dealt with in her "sickness" of body was definitely Malkuth. There were other aspects of Lisa's life that were definitely of Malkuth as well.  It was that lower energy of Malkuth that just wouldn't let her go and somehow she couldn't figure out how to get out of ... on a physical level (even though she was way up and beyond on a spiritual level).  The physical attachments (of which there were many) kept her so locked in Malkuth with the physical illness/manifestation.

When she left her body on 9/9 ... she did so with a statement of "9s".
The statement was she was up and out of Malkuth and into Yesod "#9" ~ The Springboard OUT!
She wanted me to know this and I was finally understanding her message.

I began to receive more revelations as she began to have me add things up different.
Taking things steps further ...
Adding the original date of "9" to the year of 2013.  9+9 = 18  1+8 = 9 
9+2+0+1+3 (9+2013) = 9+6 = 15  1+5 = 6  (a new number!)

Then, she began having me add up different numbers.
The date of her memorial service: September 12, 2013   9+1+2+2+0+1+3 = 18  1+8 = 9 (9 again)
The date of the day I was working on all of this:  December 27, 2013  1+2+2+7+2+0+1+3 = 18  1+8 =9
(9 again)

I just couldn't figure the message out ... but, somehow a "6" had popped up.  (Upside down 9...)
Somehow, I knew this was significant.

Lynn and I went to eat at Panera and I began to tell him about the "9s" of that day and the new number of "6".  When we sat down and looked at our receipt, our customer number was 666.
6+6+6 = 18  1+8 = 9       The "6s" and the "9s" jumping out at me.  Amazing!

I just started weeping in Panera because I finally "got it" as I started drawing the Tree of Life on the back of the receipt.

Yes! she jumped out of Malkuth when she finally allowed herself to leave this earth ... and went into #9 of Yesod.  Her body is/or has healed and, she is now in #6 on the Tree of Life!  #6 is Tipharet (known as Beauty).  This is the place of the Christ Consciousness where we feel and become Oneness with ourselves and with everything in the cosmos to infinity.  When I finally "got it", I felt her all around me ... glowing laughing and loving.  She if free ... She is healed.  She is bathing in the Beauty of the energy of Tipharet and she is loving it.

I know she will move on and up into The Tree of Life but, right now she is in 6 of Tipharet and all is well.

She says, "My name was Lisa.  My name is now Glory."

I just found something interesting that correlates with how many "18s" I have here...

Gematria is an Assyro-Babylonian system of numerology later adopted by Jews which assigns numerical value to a word or phrase, in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other, or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to a person's age, the calendar year, or the like. The best-known example of Gematria is the Hebrew word Chai ("alive"), which is composed of two letters which (using the assignments in the Mispar gadol table shown below) add up to 18. This has made 18 a "lucky number" among Jews, and gifts in multiples of 18 are very popular.


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