Walking Solitary ... or ... Walking in Partnership
I have found in so many avenues of life that complexity begins when we "attempt" to walk in partnership. I have found that one first needs to find balance in the aspect of "self" or that of the solitary walk before engaging in partnerships. If we live our life as solitary beings ... we have the opportunity to make choices and to create our lives exactly as we want in exactly the manner we'd like it to be. We have the opportunity to create our world exactly in the way we view our world to be. But... if we choose partnerships (and we do this on many levels from the beginning) this aspect of the solitary life shifts. First of all, we don't come into human life as solitary. We have chosen our life and how, when, where and whom with we share this life with. In choose our parents ... we have stepped out of solitary existence. If siblings are already there or come along ... again solitary existence is simply not there. We have made a choice to be part ...