Walking Solitary ... or ... Walking in Partnership

I have found in so many avenues of life that complexity begins when we "attempt" to walk in partnership.  I have found that one first needs to find balance in the aspect of "self" or that of the solitary walk before engaging in partnerships.

If we live our life as solitary beings ... we have the opportunity to make choices and to create our lives exactly as we want in exactly the manner we'd like it to be.  We have the opportunity to create our world exactly in the way we view our world to be.

But... if we choose partnerships (and we do this on many levels from the beginning) this aspect of the solitary life shifts.

First of all, we don't come into human life as solitary.  We have chosen our life and how, when, where and whom with we share this life with.  In choose our parents ... we have stepped out of solitary existence.  If siblings are already there or come along ... again solitary existence is simply not there.  We have made a choice to be part of this "tribe" or beings that are joined together if for no better reason than to share genetic coding. 

We do have a choice as we become adults.  We can remain physically attached to this aspect of tribe or we can leave it all together.  But, in reality we are still united (out of the solitary aspect) in the fact that we do share genetic coding.  But, again we can move away from this tribe in the physical.

At this point we can choose to live our life in a solitary manner .. which would be a unique and difficult experience in this world as we are constantly surrounded by elements that take us out of a solitary life. 

If we choose physical partnership with another individual as a mate ... we step our of this aspect of solitary and it again becomes complicated and complex.  We are not able to be and do exactly as we would be and do as a solitary being for we have made the choice to share life with this person.

If offspring should come from this union, again the aspect of solitary just isn't there as this life force will simply continue into grandchildren and so on.

Even if we choose to not take a partner and live our life as solitary beings ... anytime we join an organized group of any kind ... job, church, organizations, etc ... we again step out of the solitary into jointness of community.  And, in this, again we do not have ultimate say on how things are said, done, accomplished, etc as we have made the choice to be part of these things.

Examples of my life:  I live with my partner and therefore can't just arbitrarily choose the way our home is decorated, how I purchase items, and so on.  In the choice to live with this partner, I have made the choice to "share" life and all it holds.  I have to take my partner into account in any decision I make regarding my personal life, his life and our joint life.  It is not simply me ... it is us.

I have chosen to be part of an organization that I purchase essential oils and products from.  There are aspects of being part of this organization that I am not in alignment with and is not in alignment with me but, since I have made the choice to be part of this organization as I love many aspects of what this organization has provided in the past and provides me to this day. I have made the choice to follow the strictures of its guidelines that don't always ring with truth for me.  I have the choice to leave this group and go solitary but, I have to weigh the outcomes as to both and see which benefits me more fully.

I have chosen to be part of a "church" organization.  Again, there are aspects of this organization that I am not in alignment with and is not is alignment with me.  I have the choice to stay part of this organization or to go solitary for there are many aspects of this organization that I love.  Again, I must weigh the benefits of both angles to me and to the others that are affected by my choice.

It is my mission in this life to live in Truth and to finding Truth in all places.  Because this is my mission or perhaps my purpose in living in Divine Order I must be part of things. For only in being part of the Earthly practices (of Malkuth in Kabbalah) and the collective (where lies and untruths are found) may I be enlightened to Truth and bring it to the surface for others to experience in whatever way is needed for them as individuals.

In this, I choose to be part of Life and to live it as fully as possible.  I am part of partnerships, unions and organization to experience.  If if falls to far away from my path of integrity, I leave with no feelings of remorse for it simply does not serve me and my mission.  Other than that, I remain true to self first and foremost and then move on into the outer aspects of life's existence.


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