
I have felt like I have had to conform throughout my life. This has been an extremely uncomfortable place for me. My views, thoughts, questions, etc. were always so different that I would lower the standard (sell out) to conform. This didn’t always go well for me and my life has been constant struggle … I feel … largely because of this. I know many of you have felt this same thing throughout your life. The interesting thing is now, where I am. I have supposedly found my community, my tribe. But, this isn’t actually the case. I am still extremely different and am called to conform and even to comply within the strictures set up by this ‘community’. What is it that has made the ‘spiritual’ community shut down when there hear the word Jesus? To leave this master/teacher out of the spiritual equation is leaving out a huge component of our world … physically and spiritually. J’shua was and is a Master Alchemist and definitely a Master/Teacher within the healing ...