Where are You?

Where are You?

I am so wondering where my sisters and brothers are. I have put out the call – Spiritually | Energetically | Mentally | Emotionally | Physically. Where are you?

Do you feel called not only to the energy of the Divine Feminine but, focused on Mary Magdalene?
Do you feel a deep love for Jesus and wonder why and how to connect further?
Are you driven to connect to the Cosmic Christed Consciousness?
Do you feel a calling of “home” to Lemuria – the Land of Mu?

Whatever your gifts, are you called deeply & profoundly to the healing of our planet?

I am here and ready to connect with you. I am here with the tools of Quickening – Coded & Enlightened Empowerment. 

Where are you | Do you not hear my call | My cry | Calling you back into the fold?

I am here and am the one who holds the Wisdom & Understanding of the Intensity.

I offer freely the opportunity for you to hear the call … to share in my story … to activate your own stories so that Truth may once again rise to the surface and shine with the Lighted Way of The Path of TheWay back to the Light of the Creator God – back home.

Does this call you? Does this entice you?
Does this make your blood rise to the surface of remembering?

I am here calling you back into the fold … back into Soul | Source | Force.
Are you ready? If so, here I am with the unfolding Key that unlocks the Seat of your Memories, unlocking the Secrets that lie within you just waiting to step forward.

Join me.
I am here.
I am ready.

Healing Path of the Rose Introductions are absolutely FREE 
(though Love Offerings are always Welcome!).
July 11th– 10am-1pm |  July 14th– Noon-2pm | July 20th- 11am-1pm


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