Truth vs Fear

I've been thinking during the past couple of weeks regarding all of this going on in our world regarding this coronavirus. I've been wondering what is the 'behind the scenes' situation that we are to be aware of and learning from. I've been observant in this whole scenario doing my best to distance myself to be this observer. I've come to the conclusion that what is going on 'behind the scenes' doesn't really matter. What is mattering is our actions & reactions. Even those of us (me included) that are trying to downplay the 'fear' are actually part of escalating fear. Even as we try to negate the impact, the opposite seems to be occurring. Even as we do our best to negate fear, every time we support none fear - the fear mongers step up in vigilance and even violence. This creates more division. This is a battle tactic that is quite successful - Divide and Conquer. In this, the fear is conquering. My suggestion: who really knows? I ...