Finding Empowered Brilliance

As many of you know, I work with a beautiful tool from Rose Alchemy - created by Sandy Humby ... a beautifully intense Rose Oracle deck.

The precept of this deck is Sandy's journey in healing and finding herself. I feel her journey is a journey we all experience at some level within this physical existence. I have found myself quite profoundly as I have moved through personally working with what these cards offer.

Sandy writes about in the accompanying book about 5 identifiable Heart Wounds (associated with wounds of the Divine Feminine). I have so deeply resonated with his for many reasons. One of the main reasons though is that I have been shown through the vibrations of the Master Teacher, Jeshua, Mary (The Mother) and Mary (The Magdalene) that it is through the opening of the doorway of the Vesica Piscis (the entry point to all life) correlating with the Divine Feminine that this is the foundational passage way to the healing of the Sacred & Divine Masculine.

It is the Divine Feminine that must be first healed, whole & empowered that ushers in that which is required to offer the same to the Sacred Masculine. It is up to those of us (regardless of gender) to bring this into the highest of vibrations so that the Sacred Masculine may too be restored to its glory.

The 5 Heart Wounds and their Healing Message:
                          The Heart Wound of Abandonment - Healing found through Self-Love
                          The Heart Wound of Denial             - Healing found through Truth
                          The Heart Wound of Judgment        - Healing found through Forgiveness
                          The Heart Wound of Separation       - Healing found through Surrender
                          The Heart Wound of Betrayal          - Healing found through Trust

Throughout January and into February, I worked distinctly with the Heart Wound of Abandonment and so much was revealed to me. As I administrated Self-Love - perhaps for the 1st time ... I have come to a place where I am beginning to understand and embrace with this is and what it means. I realized how much (through Abandonment of ME) I had isolated myself to the point where I don't think I would have found this healing place without going deeply into the recesses of me - even the places that are definitely not pretty.

As February came to a close and March is now opening, I feel myself delving into Denial - all the places where I have denied myself the majesty of ME. I am now working with opening to the Truth of the Power I hold and that through this I am truly a magnificent creation of the Spirit of us All.

This is a process that I know will continue throughout 2020 and into my future. BUT! this is a foundational point with the '4' aspect this year offers that I feel I need to get firmly into place.

If you are interested in finding this for yourself, please contact me. There are a variety of ways I am offering this same healing place to and for others as I do this for myself.

One of those ways is the Power that steps forth when an individual steps into a statement that moves past the I AM into an operative place of existence.  I can assist and guide you in creating your personal Statement of Empowered Divine Brilliance!

I Empower Divinity.

~Susanah Tamar Magdalena


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