Truth vs Fear

I've been thinking during the past couple of weeks regarding all of this going on in our world regarding this coronavirus. I've been wondering what is the 'behind the scenes' situation that we are to be aware of and learning from. I've been observant in this whole scenario doing my best to distance myself to be this observer.

I've come to the conclusion that what is going on 'behind the scenes' doesn't really matter. What is mattering is our actions & reactions. Even those of us (me included) that are trying to downplay the 'fear' are actually part of escalating fear. Even as we try to negate the impact, the opposite seems to be occurring.

Even as we do our best to negate fear, every time we support none fear - the fear mongers step up in vigilance and even violence. This creates more division. This is a battle tactic that is quite successful - Divide and Conquer. In this, the fear is conquering.

My suggestion: who really knows?
I just know there is a Hebrew phrase I stand by. The phrase is 'tikkun olam' which translates as 'repair of the world(s)'. As individuals, we do not need to DO anything; we simple need to BE. In our BEing-ness in holding Truth we become 'tikkun olam'.

What is Truth? I am asked on a regular basis by a friend of mine when we are in discussion, 'do you believe? or do you know?'. I believe it is when we KNOW that we have become our own Truth and are in a state of BEing-ness within our Truth. We simply BEcome Truth and in this 'tikkun olam'.

In what we are going through now, I will stand with a directive from the Master Teacher Yeshua:
The Master Yeshua shared in Yochanan (John) 8:21 (32)
And you shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.
The Belief we have had is changing. We are in the midst of that which we have seen coming for a very long time. It is now time for KNOWING for this is the Truth that sets us free.

What do you believe? and what do you know?

I believe that all of this that is going on in our world is somewhat of a 'test'. I'm not sure what the 'test' is but, the feeling I am getting is that we are not passing the 'test'. Or rather, we are 'passing' as we continue to slowly but surely give away our power as we, as the collective, delve into the fear. It is being seen how easily and controllable we are and in this, how we will lose more of our inalienable rights as inhabitants of this planet.

What do we do amidst all of this?
Hold strong to what you KNOW. Hold strong to the Truth that it is your birthright to live in Truth (and not fear). Know most of all the magnitude that you are and the power you hold.

Regarding Social Media, I haven't left all together. I have 'snoozed' many for 30 days who are posting fear related material (researched or otherwise). I am now 'blocking' all posts regarding this virus. I also will not be part of feeding into this even when I feel I am negating fear. I have decided to not be part of feeding this in any way.

Does this mean I am sticking my head in the sand? Of course not.
I am making the choice to not be in large crowds (which I normally don't do anyway).
I am washing my hands and using hand sanitizer (as I have always done).
I am checking with the CDC to see how all of this is progressing.
I am upping my Vitamin C intake and being conscious of my immune system.

I am NOT hoarding toilet paper but, am teaching my grandson some powerful toilet paper uses that my grandmother taught us. I think this is a time where we are to learn all resources have a limit and something is trying to teach us to live without abusing our resources.

I am NOT hoarding anything else but, am being prepared in case others completely wipe everything out so that our family has food and supplies.

In a sense, I feel Gaia is teaching us to care for our planet and for one another and the Universe is in accord with her.

Forgiveness, Love & Compassion leads us to the Ultimate of Human Experience - JOY!
Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena


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