
Showing posts from 2017

Halloween ... uhhhhh (not again!)

I am not a particular fan of the holiday of "Halloween" and haven't been for some time.  Even before I was deeply imbedded in my own truth of spirituality, I didn't like this holiday.  I didn't let my daughter trick or treat ... to the chagrin of family and friends.  I just couldn't see taking part of a destructive energy. When I was a kid, Halloween was fun.  It wasn't expensive nor was it invasive.  It was just something little kids did on this day that was safe.  We didn't worry about candy being wrapped or having some well-wished hand-made goody in our bag.  But, as my daughter became of "trick or treating age" this wasn't the case.  There were warnings and I feel it changed the energy of Halloween from something that was somewhat enchanting to something dangerous. Why this energy shift? It's because of the holiday itself.  It isn't what this date or this time of the year is all about. In the shifting of energy from enchan...


This Galaxy, at this time, is acting as the Gateway (the Vesica Piscis) to various Star Systems, in particular, Sirius.   The Sirian energy is the intensity that is all around us. This was instituted approximately 2 years ago, of Earth’s “time”. It is coming full circle at this time and is shaking situations up within the collective.   It is uncovering the shadow aspect that relates to us all – in Oneness. Andromeda is the place of the Cosmic Masters of Light and resonates to the Master number XII.   This eliminates the illusion of disconnect from concentrated Source – assisting in transcending from fear. This frequency is speaking to many but, there are few who are understanding the language.   I have personally found that as this energy is integrating with me, it is speaking to me through thought and through scent.   When the wave of Cosmic Light infiltrated my being, I could *smell* Andromeda. My being is enhanced through powerful exchanges ...

Truth vs The "Lie"

I have found through the years that my passion and my mission here on this planet has to do with "truth" and all the ways this shows up and/or doesn't show up. Truth is not always what is spoken, written and lived.  It is sometimes the pieces of the puzzle that aren not exposed.  I have had to come to terms with the many ways the "lie" reveals itself.  For me, personally this comes through enlightenment. The more I am enlightened or the more I move into the wisdom and understanding of Truth, the more I see the deception ... the lies.  Growing up, it wasn't so much what I was told in life ... in church ... in school, etc. but, more what I was not told and/or taught.  When I asked questions that no one knew the answer for, the answer wasn't sought and I wasn't taught how to find my own answers.  I was simply told to just "believe" and/or to have "faith". How can someone believe in something and/or have faith in something that ...

The Illuminati Tarot - Keys of Lost Societies Review

When I first heard that Casey DuHamel was creating  The Magdalene Legacy Tarot – Lost Keys of the Madonna  (with Deborah L. Shutek-Jackson), I was so excited.  It was so odd that until that point no one had created a “Magdalene” Tarot deck.  (There are other decks where Mary Magdalene has been depicted but no deck with Her story.)  I immediately placed myself on the waiting list.  When I received my book and deck set, I was incredibly impressed with the detail to history, story and the Heart of The Magdalene that was depicted. The cards are beautifully created and THE BOOK! is more than fabulous. Then!  I heard Casey DuHamel was creating yet another amazing Tarot deck.  This time with the title (that follows suite with The Magdalene Legacy) -  The Illuminati Tarot – Keys of Secret Societies .  I have been impatiently awaiting its release.  I have received my copy and am not disappointed.  Here again is Ms. DuHamel’s atte...


In my last Kabbalah class, the discussion came to a point where we were talking about caring and not caring enough.   I personally mentioned that I have personal had to come to the point where I am having to embrace the idea/thought of “what others think or feel is not my business…”   In this, there is a release and a separation of connection to the “drama” of others. Through this and other aspects of discussion, we were asked “does this make us indifferent”? This pushed me to understand the word “indifference or indifferent” a bit better. This brought me to researching the definition of the word in how it is used and accepted today. 1. lack of interest or concern: We were shocked by their indifference toward poverty. 2. unimportance; little or no concern: Whether or not to attend the party is a matter of indifference to him. 3. the quality or condition of being indifferent. 4. mediocre quality; mediocrity. Wow, this all seems really negative.  ...