This Galaxy, at this time, is acting as the Gateway (the Vesica Piscis) to various Star Systems, in particular, Sirius. The Sirian energy is the intensity that is all around us. This was instituted approximately 2 years ago, of Earth’s “time”. It is coming full circle at this time and is shaking situations up within the collective. It is uncovering the shadow aspect that relates to us all – in Oneness.
Andromeda is the place of the
Cosmic Masters of Light and resonates to the Master number XII. This eliminates the illusion of disconnect
from concentrated Source – assisting in transcending from fear.
This frequency is speaking to
many but, there are few who are understanding the language. I have personally found that as this energy
is integrating with me, it is speaking to me through thought and through
scent. When the wave of Cosmic Light
infiltrated my being, I could *smell*
My being is enhanced through powerful exchanges of
Concentrated Light and the DNA of my origin is being totally restored and
awakened. As this occurs this is
crossing the lines of the illusion of time/space and is clearing in mass
What I am sharing now through Ascension Integrated
Activations is a quickening of the Light Codes of the Cosmic Masters. The Master number 12 is being injected back
into the soul source to reactivate cognizance. This assists you in accessing
your full Divinity within the Harmony of the time before division occurred. The
Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine are coming together full-fold to the
point where one or the other is not definable – as they are being fully united.
The human thought and rationality has no place within this
energy of Andromeda and therefore it is difficult for many to reach this place.
At the same time, more and more are doing just this. The raised consciousness
of those that are considered Star Souls are being triggered and the response is
The challenge that is being offered is to answer the
questions: “What is it all about?” “What
does it all mean?” and “How can I integrate this into my very existence?”
It is challenging us to understand and answer: “What
actually is the Light?” “What does it
mean to be a LightWorker?” and to accept that time and space are an illusion.
What does it mean that Andromeda is acting as a Gateway?
The Sacred Geometry of the Vesica Pisces (that of the gematria of 153) and the Master number 12 are an integral part of the mystery of understanding and wisdom of this piece of the puzzle. The Vesica Piscis is the opening of all life, of the mysteries, of cosmic understanding of the workings of Infinity.
The Sacred Geometry of the Vesica Pisces (that of the gematria of 153) and the Master number 12 are an integral part of the mystery of understanding and wisdom of this piece of the puzzle. The Vesica Piscis is the opening of all life, of the mysteries, of cosmic understanding of the workings of Infinity.
Andromeda is holding this space – it is holding the doorway
open at this time. It is not opening and closing, it is wide open and will be
held this way for some time. This is THE
prime opportunity for us to advance and to step fully into our Divinity.
What it means to step into Divinity is to step into Soul
Source of consciousness while fully aware.
Now is the time and this is the place.
Right now, this Gateway is a Portal to the Cosmic Masters of
Sirius (and to some extent to that of the Pleiades). The Sirian energy is swirling all around
us. It is what is keeping you from
sleeping. It is what is changing your
taste for certain foods. It is what is
shaping your relationships of all types.
It is what is pushing you into BEing.
This is the place of “In
the beginning…” as stated in Genesis 1:1 and again in John 1:1. We are at a place of a new era and of a new
state of actualizing who and what we are and who and what we are to BEcome.
This is not anything that is rational and/or of the
mind. This is of the heart for the heart
is the connection to the Cosmic Masters (of which you are part). This is a time to connect fully from the
heart and to be present in this space of distorted time.
Andromeda is the translator of mindfulness but through the
heart. This is fluid initiative and is
the place of the I AM presence. For when
asked, the Creator answered “I AM that I AM.” In this place, there is no
From the time - that we consider the beginning of time –
which is also a façade for it was simply the beginning of the time of
separation – we have sought to move back into perfected state of origin.
Susanah Tamar Magdalena
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