Halloween ... uhhhhh (not again!)

I am not a particular fan of the holiday of "Halloween" and haven't been for some time.  Even before I was deeply imbedded in my own truth of spirituality, I didn't like this holiday.  I didn't let my daughter trick or treat ... to the chagrin of family and friends.  I just couldn't see taking part of a destructive energy.

When I was a kid, Halloween was fun.  It wasn't expensive nor was it invasive.  It was just something little kids did on this day that was safe.  We didn't worry about candy being wrapped or having some well-wished hand-made goody in our bag.  But, as my daughter became of "trick or treating age" this wasn't the case.  There were warnings and I feel it changed the energy of Halloween from something that was somewhat enchanting to something dangerous.

Why this energy shift? It's because of the holiday itself.  It isn't what this date or this time of the year is all about. In the shifting of energy from enchantment to danger - we have allowed in a different element to this time of the year.  To me, this is disturbing.

This is originally a time of the year that honored the changing of the seasons and a change of life.  This was a time to celebrate as the days began to be shorter and the time of the Long Night was making itself known.  It was a time to honor the dead - our ancestors.  It was a time of deep ritual that brought forth the knowing that as the earth slept (or seemingly died), it would then come back to life.

Halloween? To me, this has become something that is not sacred in any sense and has created a loss of history of ancient peoples and time.  Yes, I know ... things change ... but, for me I honor sacredness, I honor those that have past and gone on before us, I honor life.

This is a time when the veil is the thinnest.  What this means is that it not only allows those of the light to explore but, it also allows those of the shadow to explore as well.  For me, this is a time to hold my light the brightest possible and to be the light so that the shadow is expelled.  I feel that when we delve into shadow aspects - the light that we are becomes undefined and muted. For me, this doesn't work. I AM the light even at the time of the Dark Night.

If you'd like to read more about the history, I found this link from the History Channel that you might like - http://www.history.com/topics/halloween/history-of-halloween.

I ask that you search within for understanding and wisdom of not only Halloween but, other aspects of our world that is losing foundation.  Find out what resonates with you.
Regarding Halloween: Ask yourself what it is you like about it and what you do not.

Shalom Aleichem


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