
As we move through life, we come to an understanding that life is so much larger than we ever imagined. As we grow older, we can look back and reflect on places where this understanding was made apparent. For me, I consider these places - pinnacles - for they were places of extreme. The 1st that I truly remember experiencing was this: I was brought up in a traditional fundamental Christian home. This meant church on Sunday, youth group and church camp each summer as well as various other happenings. I loved each of these aspects of church. In particular, I loved church camp. I loved the comradery, the songs and the over all feeling of what the love of God was (at the time). There was one such instance though that will never leave my mind or my heart. We camped along a lake and in the morning would have early morning vespers. This was a time to come down to a place where nature had created an amphitheater of sorts. The rocks were there as if built just for us. The view was through...