
Showing posts from February, 2019

Spiritual 'Certifications'

I've been thinking about the topic of Spiritual Certifications for some time  and decided it was time to blog about it. When I began my Spiritual Journey in the early 90s I took classes, workshops, trainings, etc with amazing people. We ran in circles with authors, artists, and so many other creative people. We all learned, developed and grew together. Our knowledge expanded as did we and we opened up to share with others in a variety of ways. A number of years ago, my husband I offered a Raindrop Technique Training that is part of Young Living Essential Oils. I had taken training with Young Living 3x in the past ... 2x with Gary Young and 1x with another Young Living Trainer. My husband had taken training with Young Living Training. Interesting that through all of this, neither of us received a Certificate. We offered that class and had an amazing group of people. We hadn't planned or even though of offering certificates. After the class/workshop was concluded we we...

WisdomWednesday 2 20 2019



 I am excited to say Lynn and I are approaching a different avenue on our journey together. As I've mentioned before, regarding 2019 ... this year offers a huge presence giving us the opportunity to 'get it right' ... haha ... or, at least as right as possible. There are things that haven't been right for us for some time. There have been things that have shifted and changed for us that are propelling us into a new perspective for us as individuals and in partnership. We have either worked out of our home or out of other people's places trying to build something that is ours. Well... energetically this doesn't make sense. So! we are moving into our own healing space starting March 1st! A number of reasons have propelled us into this venture. Lynn has worked from home and also a couple of days a month at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts in Littleton. I have for the past year and a half focused on working out of Discover Your Spiritual Gifts - starting 1 da...

2019 Dress Rehearsal

I have a friend - Jill La Liberte with Feather Touch Acupuncture - who is also an Astrologist and who I find rather remarkable. She is referring to 2019 as a 'dress rehearsal' for what will show up in our world with the advent of 2020. This has really gotten me to deeply think about this year. I know because I am often a procrastinator that I need to focus on this now. By the time October roles around for me, I am already within the energy of the coming calendar year as October holds the vibration of 'New Year' for me. As with a dress rehearsal, this gives me time to think about the intent of this year because I know this will weigh heavily on the year to come and the subsequent years to follow. I am getting the feeling this year of 2019 is "KEY" for me. I need to deeply evaluate where I am now, where I see myself from this vantage point in 6 months ... a year and so on. What is it I want to get within alignment in 2019 that I know will set the precedenc...