Spiritual 'Certifications'

I've been thinking about the topic of Spiritual Certifications for some time and decided it was time to blog about it. When I began my Spiritual Journey in the early 90s I took classes, workshops, trainings, etc with amazing people. We ran in circles with authors, artists, and so many other creative people. We all learned, developed and grew together. Our knowledge expanded as did we and we opened up to share with others in a variety of ways. A number of years ago, my husband I offered a Raindrop Technique Training that is part of Young Living Essential Oils. I had taken training with Young Living 3x in the past ... 2x with Gary Young and 1x with another Young Living Trainer. My husband had taken training with Young Living Training. Interesting that through all of this, neither of us received a Certificate. We offered that class and had an amazing group of people. We hadn't planned or even though of offering certificates. After the class/workshop was concluded we we...