
 I am excited to say Lynn and I are approaching a different avenue on our journey together.

As I've mentioned before, regarding 2019 ... this year offers a huge presence giving us the opportunity to 'get it right' ... haha ... or, at least as right as possible. There are things that haven't been right for us for some time. There have been things that have shifted and changed for us that are propelling us into a new perspective for us as individuals and in partnership.

We have either worked out of our home or out of other people's places trying to build something that is ours. Well... energetically this doesn't make sense. So! we are moving into our own healing space starting March 1st!

A number of reasons have propelled us into this venture. Lynn has worked from home and also a couple of days a month at Discover Your Spiritual Gifts in Littleton. I have for the past year and a half focused on working out of Discover Your Spiritual Gifts - starting 1 day a month and then moving to full-time status there. It has been a wonderful experience for both of us and one that has enticed us into being and doing for ourselves!

The new space offers us much easier access as it's so much closer to our home. This way we'll be able to offer more and to be there more for each person seeking us out.

I will still be offering a few classes out of DYSG but, the majority of classes, workshops, etc will be out of our new space! I will also be offering my private sessions at the new space. Lynn will be moving his home massage room to this space as well and will be doing his massage and energy work from this new space as well.

Our daughter ad grandson have been living with us since August. We first thought this was to be temporary but, have realized it really isn't feasible at this time for a number of reasons for them to move out on their own. With us moving into our own space, we will be able to clear out a couple of rooms for them to move into and have space of their own in our home.

As you can see, this is a 'win-win' for everyone concerned!

For people coming to us, this place is extremely accessible - just a couple few miles South of Hwy 36 on Sheridan Blvd.  I'll be posting more about this in my newsletter and on Facebook, etc.

We are looking to hold an Open House in April - closing it with a New Moon Blessing for the space and for each of us associated!  Be sure to mark your calendars and Hold the date for April 6th!

I look forward to seeing you all soon in the New Beloved Heart Source - LightWorker Healing Arts Healing Space of Beloved Divinity.

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena and Lynn Harms
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Find LightWorker Healing Arts LLC on Facebook


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