2019 Dress Rehearsal

I have a friend - Jill La Liberte with Feather Touch Acupuncture - who is also an Astrologist and who I find rather remarkable. She is referring to 2019 as a 'dress rehearsal' for what will show up in our world with the advent of 2020.

This has really gotten me to deeply think about this year. I know because I am often a procrastinator that I need to focus on this now. By the time October roles around for me, I am already within the energy of the coming calendar year as October holds the vibration of 'New Year' for me.

As with a dress rehearsal, this gives me time to think about the intent of this year because I know this will weigh heavily on the year to come and the subsequent years to follow. I am getting the feeling this year of 2019 is "KEY" for me.

I need to deeply evaluate where I am now, where I see myself from this vantage point in 6 months ... a year and so on. What is it I want to get within alignment in 2019 that I know will set the precedence for everything to follow?

1. I KNOW the Key to any type of Success is CONSISTENCY. This is something I have always had challenges with but, is something I plan on conquering in this 2019 year. I know somehow deep within that when I embrace this - it will be the foundation of anything and everything that unfolds sequentially.

2. I KNOW I need to be more compassionate and to reach out in a compassionate way but, at the same time, understanding my role and how this shows up.

3. I KNOW I am to bring my story forth. In this, I am going to be working on how this happens.

As I AM my own presentation of my own life, I will find the ways to Submit to the Will of the Creator God in all ways. In this, I understand the wisdom that I am a cell within the body of God and in this I am submitting to myself and that which is the highest and best. I am intently working on accepting this unfolding with ease and grace in allowance of being receptive and in a place of gratitude.

In this I affirm:
I thank you God with a humble heart for the Total Prosperity in My Life.
I invoke the Divine Presence of Prosperity and hold the Understanding and Wisdom that I am Worthy of all the Gifts of Spirit that are already mine.
I thank you Did with a humble heart for the Total Prosperity in My Life.

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena


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