Confidence vs Ego

Whenever it's time for me to write a new Blog Post, I always have so many things on my mind and heart that I have to be discerning as to what is needed to be brought forward at the moment. So... I sit back and ask and sit with it until something pops into my forefront awareness. This time it was Confidence vs Ego ... an interesting topic to say the least. I am finding there is a confusion between the two and what they actually mean and bring forward for each of us. I see and here people afraid to step into the Power because of the Ego component. We have been so brain-washed and geared that to be our authentic self within Confidence is bad. 1. Don't toot your own horn. 2. Don't Apologize for everything. 3. and on and on..... I'm saying ... Toot your Horn! Let people know who you are and what you excel in! What do you bring to the table in all aspects of your life. I challenge you to write a Spiritual Resume as if you were applying to the Cosmic Co...