Confidence vs Ego

Whenever it's time for me to write a new Blog Post, I always have so many things on my mind and heart that I have to be discerning as to what is needed to be brought forward at the moment.  So... I sit back and ask and sit with it until something pops into my forefront awareness.

This time it was Confidence vs Ego ... an interesting topic to say the least.

I am finding there is a confusion between the two and what they actually mean and bring forward for each of us.  I see and here people afraid to step into the Power because of the Ego component.

We have been so brain-washed and geared that to be our authentic self within Confidence is bad.
1. Don't toot your own horn.
2. Don't Apologize for everything.
3. and on and on.....

I'm saying ... Toot your Horn!  Let people know who you are and what you excel in!  What do you bring to the table in all aspects of your life.  I challenge you to write a Spiritual Resume as if you were applying to the Cosmic Council of Light. Let them know who you are and where you shine!

Stop apologizing for every little thing!  You are not guilty of anything except being human.
Does the aspect of the need for apology come up? Of course! But, only when you have done something directed at another... when you can identify what it is you are apologizing about.

How to test if you are in a Place of Confidence or if you are in a Place of Ego?
Ask yourself this simple question: Is what I am doing and/or part of all about me me me? Or is what I am doing within the intent of that which is greater than me, that serves the all concerned?

Ego is Self-Serving. | Confidence is All-Serving.

This is the distinct difference.

It's The Magician in Tarot.

This person is connected to the As Above/So Below.
This person is confidence in what they bring to our world. They know who they are and how to utilize what they know & have available.

They are the person we all want in our world when we need assistance.

Do you want to go to a healer and/or reader who is not confident?

Reverse the Card and The Magician becomes intolerable in his skills. This person becomes egotistical and self-serving, to the point where harm could manifest because of severed connection to Spirit.

Is there a fine line here? Of course.
The Awakened Person Understands the Wisdom of both aspects.

Ego protects us in many ways but, can take over if we allow it to.  When we move to enlightenment, we move past the need for Ego to be a driving factor. At this point, we have become friends with Ego and have developed an understanding for what it offers and what it can't. We have the authority to thank Ego for its service and to ask it to ride in the back seat or better yet, tucked away in the trunk.

Confidence can do nothing but emerge as we step into our Purpose and further into our Divinity. Welcome this confidence and pat yourself on the back when it comes forward. This is the reward for your hard work in obtaining the advantage of *seeing* your Worthiness & Value.

Does a diamond apologize even if it's small? Of course not because it is still a diamond and holds the vibration of Brilliance!

You are a Diamond and you are Brilliant. Identify your Brilliance and make friends with it.  Hang out with your Brilliance and allow it to embrace & infiltrate your being!  See yourself as the Beautiful Creation of Light that you are. You are a Cell within the Body of the Creator Spirit. Stand tall in this and BE Confident!

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Tamar Magdalena


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