Talkin' Reiki - Back to Basics

This is about Reiki and, at the same time, about so much more.   

I understand the vibrations and energies are expanding and are moving faster, or perhaps seemingly so. There is no element of time in Spirit so, the question arises, “Are things really moving faster? Or Are we simply more receptive to the vibrations?”  In this, I feel regardless, we are still spirits within the human experience or perhaps experiment……

I have been saying for years that we (please know I include myself in this) are perhaps rushing things and in this, becoming rash.  Within rashness, dis-harmony has an opportunity to show itself.

I feel this is showing itself in many aspects of developing Spirituality but… is quite apparent within the Reiki energy. (Probably because there are so many immersed within this energy teaching.)

A couple of years ago a person I highly regard came to me asking me if I had noticed anything ‘amiss’ within Reiki. This sort of caught me by surprise and took me to looking deeper within myself and within what is around me regarding Reiki. This person and I talked and I shared with him my thoughts on various aspects I felt moving maybe too quickly. He shared with me he had had more than 1 person come to him who had willingly gone for Reiki healings that were left not in a good place. He had to do extensive clearing and healing on these people as they were quite a ‘mess’.

I then brought this up with someone I consider highly within the ‘Reiki world’. She said to me, “Well, everything is in a time of full disclosure, why would this include Reiki? The shadow of everything is being illuminated and in this being fully seen.”

Ok… so does Reiki have a shadow?  I have taken myself deep into this. Does Spirit/Source/the I AM presence have a shadow? 

At one point, I would have answered this with a ‘no’.

Now, I answer this with a ‘yes’. Everything is one. Everything is connected. Why would this exclude the shadow aspect? We, each human being, has a shadow and we are all part of Spirit/Source/the I AM presence. So… guess what? There is a shadow aspect to everything… including Reiki.

There is a place on the Kabbalah Tree of Life referred to as Da’at. It is the non-sefirot or the place of the Mystery. It is also the place of  Full Discloser as ass of the other 10 sefirah exist in their perfected state – light & shadow – separate & united.  

Remember though… Shadow only exists by Light’s permission. It is the allowance for deeper Wisdom & Understanding and of the potential of returning to the Core Essence of Spirit.

I have been shown for some time that, within Reiki as well as other teachings, to return to the place of origin. Or as close as possible. 

I am being shown Reiki has shifted and changed and within the various interpretations and translations (similar to the Bible) and within this has lost something. It is time to bring it back to its core.

Is this for everyone? Who knows?  All I know is this is for me and it is within my personal accountability & responsibility to bring it ‘home’ as well as I can within my human state of existence.

What does this mean? Lynn and I have taught Reiki in some time but are getting ready to step back into this again. It will be in a way that is different than how it is being taught now. It will go back to how I was originally taught bringing forth tradition and beauty, instilling accountability & responsibility through basic intent, ethics and integrity.

Lynn and I look forward to stepping into this together.

This is what it will look like… 

I do want to go back to basics regarding Reiki as it has been brought to my attention on multiple levels that something is amiss and things are moving too fast.
Reiki Level I is designed to 'heal the healer'. In this, it is for the one stepping into the Reiki energy as a healer. 
"The healer must be as whole and healthy as possible, on all levels, to truly be an effective healer". ~Susanah Magdalena
Reiki Level II is amplifying this energy further.
Reiki Level III (Master/Teacher) is offering the student the needed tools to share & teach this to others.
There is a needed energetic process between each of the levels. I have been shown that, in the physical, this is difficult (and almost not possible) to acquire what is needed of these are taken closely together.
In this, I will soon be doing a video explaining what we will be offering regarding Reiki. It will look something like this.
Reiki Level I will be $150 per person.
This includes your Reiki Level I instruction (including booklet and certificate). It will also include a minimum of 3 months of working with Lynn and me in various ways.
1. We will be available to assist you through your personal healing.
2. We will offer monthly Healing Shares in which it will be expected that you attend.
3. We will be available to answer any questions, etc.
Reiki Level II will be $250 per person.
This includes your Reiki Level II instruction (including booklet and certificate). It will also include a minimum of 6 months of working with Lynn and me in various ways.
1. We will be available to assist you in your personal healing Journey.
2. We will be available to work one-on-one with you in understanding the symbols you have received in Reiki I and II.
3. We will offer monthly Healing Shares in which it will be expected you attend.
4. We will be available to answer any questions, etc.
*Of course you are welcome to take Reiki with anyone else and move through this quicker. If you wish to work with us, these will be our requirements, in regards to our integrity, in taking you deep within the Reiki energy and understanding the nuances of accountability & responsibility this takes in becoming the one who then shares this with others.
Reiki Level III will be $500 per person.
This includes your Reiki III (Master/Teacher) instruction (including booklet and certificate).
1. We will be available for you as long as you feel we are needed to assist you in your Personal Journey within the Reiki energy.
2. We will be present to work with you one-on-one as you develop your teaching/sharing style.
3. We will be available to join you with your first classes if desired.
4. We will offer monthly Healing Shares that you are encouraged to continue attending. These are available for your students as well - always complimentary.
5. We will be available to answer any questions, etc.

If you are looking for Master/Teachers who will take you into this origin and who will be there with you throughout your healing journey, Lynn & I are here for you.

We have a Reiki Level I class scheduled for February 22nd.
Please click HERE to find out more, RSVP & PrePay.

If you have taken Reiki Level I before with us or with any Teacher, you are welcome to audit for $25. This will include our booklet and they Reiki I symbol from us to enhance, reinforce and empower that which you already have. You will receive all that we offer to 1st time students as well.

I also teach Reiki for Kids! and, have this scheduled.
Informational – for Parents only – Friday, January 17th – 6:30-8:30pm.  Click HERE for details.

Reiki for Kids – Saturday, March 21st – 10am-12:30m (ages 4-8)         Click HERE for details.
Reiki for Kids – Saturday, March 22nd – 1:30-4pm (ages 8-12)              Click HERE for details.

Reiki for Kids Practice – Sunday, March 29th – 1-3pm                             Click HERE for details.


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