Icing, Cake or Meat & Potatoes

This is the question... what is it about each aspect of Icing, Cake and Meat & Potatoes that asks us where we are in our Spiritual evolution and/or what we serve as Light Beings?

I've been thinking about what it is I offer to world and cosmic consciousness and how this is accepted and/or not accepted. Because even within Spiritual & Metaphysical community, I am different and somewhat on the 'outside' ... seeming to always look in.

When we first lift up the 'rose colored glasses' to just take a peep, we are attracted (as with all initial enticements) by the surface ... or the icing. This is when we all dive into everything... we read every book we can get our hands on, we take every class that is offered, we are beguiled by the bounty.

There are many places and places to explore with in the vibration of the 'icing'.

There comes a point though, where we get tired of icing and it gets somewhat boring because it isn't sustaining and we feel the need and desire for more. This is when we move into the Cake of the situation ... something a bit denser with more substance.

We begin to narrow our vantage point to what truly interests us at that time and we delve into more intricate aspects of our interests. We are past the surface attraction and are looking for something to hold onto... something we can take with us and apply to our world. We take those 'rose colored glasses' and move them to the top of our head (as we don't want them to far away ... we're not totally convinced yet).

We are ready to take a chance and we find the world opens further within the vibration of the 'cake'.

Then... icing and cake just get sickly sweet. We are hearing the same thing everywhere and seeing the same information repeated over and over. Classes, books, relationships are just boring. We can't seem to understand what it is we are wanting and aren't even sure if we want to look hard enough to figure it out.

There are a few though that step fully into accountability and responsibility and do whatever they can within their means to take them further. This is what I call the 'meat & potatoes' place.

The 'rose colored glasses' have been set aside and don't even matter anymore. We come to a place where we don't care about anything except finding the 'meaning of life' and what it is to ascend, to journey, to explore all within the aspect of infinity. It doesn't even matter that we don't know what 'infinity' is or means.

We just know we are on to something and we want it all.

Then! we find out we already have it all. lol
BUT! we have no idea how to access it. So we build our lives around the access point moving closer and closer to the All that Is of which we are part.

What I provide is 'meat & potatoes'. I provide ways for the individual to move deeper within. In this, the path opens with more clarity and deep healing occurs. This enters in the vibrations of Forgiveness, Love & Mercy.

This leads to Compassionate Action which is the State of Grace... the place where we strive to BEcome our Divinity.  We find we touch this occasionally and we want more!

Matthew 19:13-15 (AENT)
Then the children drew near him that he may lay his hands on them and pray. And they were rebuked by his disciples and Yeshua said to them, "Allow the children to come to me, and do not hinder them, for of those who are like these is the Kingdom of Heaven".

The Master wasn't speaking of 'children' per se, young humans. He was speaking of those who held the heart of a child ... innocent and pure ... regardless of religion, race or any other source of division. He was calling forth all ... even those who were in the place of 'icing' ... it didn't matter.

The Master reached those around him where they were. He does the same for us now.

We, those of us who teach & guide ... those of us who follow the teachings of various Masters, we are here to meet you where you are.

Some meet you when you are within 'icing'. Others meet you when you are desiring 'cake'.
I and others like me are here for you when you are ready to commit to self ... as we offer sustenance within the aspect of 'meat & potatoes'.

What are you hungry for? Have you found the one who provides you with your need?
If not reach out to find and take one step forward ... that's all it takes.

When you get to the 'meat & potatoes' point; I am here waiting to meet you where you are.

Shalom Aleichem,
Susanah Magdalena


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