Ascension Integration

Many of you have been hearing there is a new energy moving in.  Many of you have known this and understood the chaotic movement and shifts as this energy comes forth.

We are here to inform you, the new energy is in your dimension now and is resonating with your Earth's energy.  As this new energy integrates with the Earth, it is moving through your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.  It is moving to align you with the Earth and that which is a Galactic frequency.

We are sharing that this is what we see as a first "wave" of this energy pattern moving among you.  You will have time for integration and assimilation of this energy through a pattern of your time.  For those aware and allowing of this energy "wave", the integration completion will be at the time of your Winter Solstice in your year of 2013.  After this completion, another "wave" will be added and this will continue through a span of time we can not explain.

You have the choice, as always, to flow within this first "wave".  If you choose not to move within this flow, the consequences will be great unrest and imbalance in your world of worlds.  Should you choose to move within this flow, you will still have some "shakeups" but, they will be less severe and you will then be prepared for the next "wave" and so forth.

There are those among you that are being offered tools to help with this Ascension Integration.  We urge you to take advantage of what you are offered to be fully integrated as soon as possible through this first "wave" so you will have time to work with this energy before the next "wave" descends.

We speaking are many energies/entities.  We are speaking as a collective.
The one receiving this energy is receiving it through an energy she is familiar with and has been called to, that of Mary Magdalene, Jeshua and 24 others in their collective.  As a whole, we are all the masters, known and unknown, joining to bring forth information.

We are here for your success and offer what we can at given times.
This time is great and we are here in full entourage in the form of a collective.  Our missions are joined in this time for the assimilation of this "wave" of energy flow.


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